Online Learning in One of the World’s Top Universities

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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The Value in Online Learning

In a Digital and Information Age, the flow of information is seamless with our endless mediums of communications. Retrieving and exchanging information is easy and fast. The rate at which you receive new messages in your Whatsapp group chat is faster than you can read them in some instances. The world is getting even more connected through the wide adoption of communication technology. Platforms such as Cudy, offering online tuition in Singapore, aims to leverage on the benefits of communication technology to deliver value into the education system by introducing live virtual classes for students to learn from a skilled specialist in a subject or skillset that he or she wishes to learn. Learning is becoming more accessible, convenient and easy with the online marketplace and platform that Cudy provides.

The Benefits in Online Courses

"All of our students have access to online courses, and I think they initially approach it with some trepidation," David Lefevre, director of the EdTech Lab of Imperial College, said. "They perceive (it) as, perhaps, they're being short-changed or that they're getting access to something which is somehow inferior. But once they take the courses they become converted and they see the value in them."

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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