Prepare Your Child to Move From Primary to Secondary School

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Prepare Your Child to Move From Primary to Secondary School

New school environments, new friendships, extra activities, and a new way of thinking are all part of moving from primary to secondary school.

Children have a great deal of change to make, and they need help.

Poor communication between the family and the school often makes this transition more difficult. Parents need to know what they are doing wrong and how to correct it.

This is a great time to get them into a new routine, particularly if they’re going to a different school.

There are lots of resources available online and from school counsellors to help with this transition.

Be Prepared for An Emotional Reaction

The end of primary school can be a stressful time for children.

Some may find it hard to accept that they are no longer the youngest in their class and may feel sad about leaving their friends behind.

Secondary school life can be even more stressful. There is a feeling of pressure on children to succeed and perform well.

You may notice your child struggling with their schoolwork or behaviour. This can lead to stress and a negative emotional reaction.

The good news is that it is never too late to help your child manage their emotions, as long as you do it early in the primary school years.

Be Prepared for Questions about the Changes to Your Child’s Life

It’s important to be open and honest with your child about the changes that are happening.

Let them know why you’re going back to work, if you’re changing jobs or if you’re moving house.

It can be very comforting for them to have a sense of control over what is happening around them.

As a new secondary student, your child will have to adjust to changes to their timetable, timetable-based assessments and timetables for homework.

They will also have to learn how to take part in a new system of discipline, so it’s important that you’re both on the same page about how you want your child to behave.

It can be useful for your child to know what the school expects of them and what they should do at home as well. This can help them manage their time better and plan.

Prepare Your Child to Move From Primary to Secondary School

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash.

Ensure Your Child’s Teacher is Involved in Any Conversations about the Transition

Your child’s teacher will have a wealth of information about what to expect and may help you find resources that can help.

They may also put you in touch with other parents who have gone through this process before.

Your child’s school day will probably be busier than usual in the first few weeks, so it’s important to give your child’s teacher heads up about any changes.

If your child has autism, look into professional resources and community services in your area.

If you’re concerned about how to support your child, talk to the teacher or school counsellor at your child’s school. You can also contact a local autism service provider or help line.

Have a Back-up Plan If Your Child Isn’t Coping Well with the Changes

This is important if you’re going back to work, as they may feel resentful or worried about you leaving them at school.

It's helpful to keep a positive attitude and reassure them they will cope well and have lots of fun things to do when you’re not there.

Secondary school curriculum changes can be a cause of stress for parents, but there are ways to minimise this.

Before making changes, speak to your child’s teacher about the new curriculum and ask them for advice on how to help your child cope.

For example, arrange extra one-to-one support with a teacher or set up a home learning programme to help them with their work.

Remember It’s Not Your Child’s Fault If They are Struggling with the Changes to Their Life

It can be very difficult for children to deal with change, particularly if they have a tendency to be anxious or emotional.

Make sure you look after yourself as well as your child and talk to your GP or a counsellor if you feel things are getting too much.

Secondary school students and children in high-stress situations can often be prone to stress-related illness, which is why it’s important to ensure that you and your child are coping well.

Instead of blaming them or yourself, you should celebrate the fact that you are going through a difficult time and can make the most of it.

By focusing on the positives, you can keep your child’s mind off the difficulties and help them cope with their recent life changes.

Prepare Your Child to Move From Primary to Secondary School

Photo by Raka Muhammad Iqbal Ismail on Unsplash.

Smooth Out Child Transition to Higher Grade

The end of primary school can be a stressful time for your child. Make sure you talk to them about what is happening and try to help them feel in control of the changes.

Compared to primary school student, a secondary school student has more freedom and are able to make more decisions about their life.

They may find it hard to fit in with the other children at their new school, so you may need to be very patient and supportive.

If your child finds school difficult, Cudy Tutors can help them understand their learning difficulties and transition to secondary school as smooth as possible.

Check out our links page for more information on our help and advice services.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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