Should you study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Should you study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance?

If you are a student of business or commerce, then it is a good idea to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance.

Why should you study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance?

The first reason why you should study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance is that this degree will open up more career opportunities for you. If you choose to go for a Master’s Degree in Accounting or Finance, then the doors will be opened even wider.

It is also important to note that the degree will increase your chances of getting promoted and also boost your salary potential. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals with accounting degrees earn about $1 million more than those who have only completed high school.

Therefore, if you are serious about your career and want to get promoted quickly, then it is vital that you acquire an accounting degree.

What kind of career options are available for Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance graduates?

The career options for Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance graduates are endless. It is a good idea to take a look at the career paths of successful professionals with an accounting degree.

Accountants are in high demand, and they earn handsome salaries as well. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, accountants who have bachelor’s degrees can earn about $68,500 per year.

Accountants who have master’s degrees can earn $90,000 per year. As per the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook, certified public accountants (CPAs) will have a bright future and can expect to see excellent job opportunities over the next decade. These professionals will be needed to help companies manage their finances and taxes.

What kind of work do Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance graduates do?

Accounting graduates typically work as accountants, auditors, financial analysts and other positions in business administration and management. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over 2 million accounting jobs will be created by 2018.

If you want to start your own business, then you can also open your own accounting firm. In addition to working in private businesses, you can also work for the government.

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