The top 20 online games played by students in Asia

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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The top online video games for children in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka are:

  1. Clash of Clans (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines)
  2. FIFA Online 3 (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia)
  3. League of Legends (Singapore, Indonesia)
  4. Runescape (Singapore, Indonesia)
  5. World of Tanks (Singapore)
  6. Dota 2 (Singapore)
  7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Singapore)
  8. Grand Theft Auto V – GTA 5 (Singapore)
  9. Battlefield 4 (Indonesia)
  10. World of Warcraft – WoW – (Indonesia)
  11. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Elder Scrolls Online – ESO – Skyrim Online (Indonesia)
  12. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 – NFS Most Wanted 2012 – NFSMW 2012 / PC / Windows XP / Vista / 7 & 8 & 10 Edition
  13. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantoms
  14. FIFA Soccer 15
  15. Call of Duty Black Ops 2
  16. Blade & Soul
  17. Lineage 2
  18. Neverwinter
  19. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  20. Star Wars: The Old Republic – SWTOR

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