Thinking of being a Psychologist?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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What is the clinical psychologist’s role in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka?

The clinical role in Singapore is mainly in the management of mental health services. Asides, In Malaysia most clinical psychologists appoints to hospital-based clinics.

There are also opportunities for clinical psychologists to work in education, social services, private practice, or business. In Indonesia, the clinical psychologists work in both hospitals and private medical centres, but still the majority are from the government employment.

Clinical psychologists in Philippines and India are mostly works for government-run institutions, but they still have the option of private practice. Sri Lanka follows the same trend as India.

What are the career paths in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka?

Psychology graduates in Singapore can take up positions in the government, private businesses, or non-profit organizations. In fact, most in these places are junior level positions.

There are some administrative positions available. Most graduates in Malaysia are working as psychologists at private medical centres. Also, this is also the case in Indonesia, with the exception of the government-owned institutions.

Clinical psychologists in the Philippines and India can find positions at private medical centres, hospitals, research institutes, or the government. In addition, Sri Lanka follows the trend of private medical centres and research institutes.

Is the salary competitive in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka?

The salary in Singapore seems to be the most competitive, with an average salary of $4,700 SGD. Along, the salary in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Sri Lanka is about $1,200 SGD to $2,400 SGD. The salary in India is the lowest, about $600 – $1,000 SGD.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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