Using Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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What is Just In Time Training?

Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace is a structured program. It comprises five modules divided into smaller modules.

Each module comprises several sections, with each unit containing a few brief lectures.

At the beginning of each lecture session, the course instructors tailor the content for each session. It provides to accommodate each student’s learning needs.

The content is determined by analyzing student responses to the individual assignments and the topics students have difficulty understanding.

At the end of each section, quick exercises require the participant to perform several actions and take actions.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

How Participants Can Benefit From Them?

These exercises allow participants to integrate the lecture content into practice. 

At the end of each module, several tests check whether participants have gained the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully complete each module.

After completing each test, the results are immediately available, allowing participants to see how they have performed and which areas need further attention or review.

Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace contains many audio-visual materials.

We use some of these materials in the course lectures, while we provide others for individual study or homework assignments.

Many exercises and quizzes allow participants to test their knowledge and reinforce what they have learned.

The program also includes many interactive exercises and assignments that can be used for self-study.

How to Lead a Just In Time Training?

Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace is based on a multi-dimensional approach to training, which includes:

  • The presentation of complex material in a way that is understandable and interesting to the participant.
  • Brief lectures give participants an overview of the topics covered in each module.
  • Additional information not contained in the lectures will help participants understand the content more thoroughly.

You present this additional information as self-study material and are not part of the course itself. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.

However, it can be accessed from the training program's website during or after the completion of each module. The additional information includes: 

  • The results of previous surveys conducted by Cisco Systems
  • Personal notes and observations made by instructors during real-life projects
  • Suggestions for further reading
  • Tips on how to run a self-study and apply what they have learned
  • Examples of professional documentation;
  • Guidelines for leading project management workshops and problem-solving sessions;
  • Advice on using action plans, decision trees, decision tables, risk registers, critical success factors (CSFs), checklists, scorecards, and other devices.

Should You Use It as a Cisco Replacement?

In conclusion, Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace is a comprehensive training program covering the official Cisco course material.

It provides participants with an opportunity to test their knowledge and understanding of the course material and reinforce what they have learned.

Anyone who wishes to learn about the subject covered in the official Cisco course can use it. 

However, it is beneficial for those who have never taken the official Cisco course and wish to understand the subject matter in more detail.

As with any other training program, Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace should be used with the official Cisco course.

You should not use it as a replacement for the official Cisco course but as an additional tool that can help you become a better network engineer.

Interested In Online Training?

If you have never taken the official Cisco course, I strongly recommend that you use Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace to supplement the official Cisco course.

However, suppose you have already taken the official Cisco course and have a firm grasp of the subject matter. In that case, I recommend that you use Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace to supplement your current knowledge.

It is an excellent way to ensure that you have retained all of the information contained in the official Cisco course and can apply it to your day-to-day work.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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