What is the difference between O level and A level examinations?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

What is the difference between O level and A level examinations?

O level examinations will normally hold at the end of the two-year sixth form programme. The examination covers a broad range of subjects and prepares students for entry into higher education or employment.

O level has accepted as an entrance qualification for university courses in many countries.

A level examinations normally take place at the end of the two-year sixth form programme. The examination covers a more focused range of subjects and prepares students for entry into higher education or employment.

A level has accepted as an entrance qualification for university courses in many countries.


There are two main examination boards in Singapore. The first is the Ministry of Education-administered Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level examination.

The second is the Ministry of Education-administered National University of Singapore (NUS)-Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Singapore Polytechnic-Central Institute of Technology (CIT) Joint Examination Board’s A-Level examination. Both examinations have to conduct annually in May.

All secondary schools, including Special Assistance Plan schools, conduct the GCE O Level examination as part of their sixth form curriculum.

All students who have completed four years of secondary education are eligible to take the GCE O Level examination.

The language of instruction for this examination is English and it is conducted by the Cambridge International Examinations Board (CIE).

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