What You Need To Know About mLearning

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

What You Need To Know About mLearning

mLearning is a type of online training where the learning process is not only based on information provided by instructors but also uses mobile devices as part of the training materials. These include tablets, smartphones, laptops, or even PDAs.

mLearning makes use of multimedia technologies like images, videos, text, and audio clips, and interactive features such as games and quizzes. We often compare mLearning to eLearning.

Both use online mediums and are common in business, education, and training. However, there are a few key differences between the two.

First of all, people specifically designed mLearning for mobile devices. mLearning takes advantage of the features of mobile devices such as touchscreens, GPS, or accelerometers in order to deliver content more effectively.

Another difference between mLearning and eLearning is that the former does not focus on testing the learners’ knowledge after each module or session but rather on training them through fun games and activities.

This way they can gain a better understanding of the content they receive. This is what makes mLearning a fun way to learn new things.

What are the benefits of mLearning?

mLearning is one of the most effective digital learning techniques because it takes advantage of the features of mobile devices and is designed to deliver information to learners in a more interactive way. mLearning uses technology to improve how people learn and has proven to be a more engaging method than traditional training.

Here are some of the key benefits of mLearning:

Interactive learning

Mobile devices offer a unique way for learners to interact with content through games, quizzes, videos, or images. This way, they can get more out of their training and can be engaged better with their lessons.

What You Need To Know About mLearning
Photo by Tofros.com on Pexels.


mLearning content can be adapted easily to suit the needs of different learners and employees. If you want to change your training program or adapt it for new employees, you can easily make those changes on mobile devices instead of updating computers or laptops.


Mobile devices are easy to carry around and use on the go. It’s much easier for employees to access training materials through their mobile devices while on their lunch break or traveling than for them to do so at work using computers. They also have the ability to access training materials at any time and place, making mLearning a convenient and flexible way to train employees.


Mobile devices are easy to carry around and can be used anywhere, making them a portable learning tool. This is especially useful for those who often travel or spend most of their time on the road.


Training content can be delivered in real-time, allowing learners to participate in interactive sessions and see results instantly. They can even engage with their trainer during these sessions through mobile chat features.


The costs of delivering mLearning content are much lower than those of traditional training. You don’t need expensive equipment or software. You just need mobile devices, which most people already have. And since the training content is delivered online, you don’t have to worry about any travel expenses or other logistics issues.


mLearning content is constantly updated with new information relevant to your company's current business needs. Hence, it’s always up-to-date and more relevant than traditional training methods.


Learners can access mLearning material anytime, anywhere through their mobile devices. This makes mLearning a very flexible way to train employees and gives them the freedom to choose when and where they want to learn.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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