When to Consult an Academic Coach?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Academic coaches work with students who are having difficulty with the demands of their academic program, in order to help them achieve greater academic success. They are available to consult with students who have:

  • Difficulty meeting deadlines and organizing their workload
  • Poor organization skills and time management issues
  • Inability to keep on task in the face of distractions and temptations to procrastinate or socialize instead of study
  • Inadequate learning strategies for understanding course content or completing assignments, exams, etc.

How do you work with an academic coach?

The process begins with a meeting at the beginning of the semester to discuss priorities, goals, and strategies for success. If appropriate, a follow up meeting may be scheduled.

Students are encouraged to contact their coach as needed during the semester for brief or more extensive consultations.

Why is it important to consult an academic coach?

Academic coaching can help for:

Course selection and sequencing that enables you to reach your academic goals (e.g., choosing a minor, an internship, or an honors program)

Time management issues related to studying and taking exams, especially if you are struggling with assignments, tests, or projects due at specific times during the semester.

The coaching methods might determine how much time you need to spend on each assignment, whether it’s reading the assignment before class, doing your own research on the topic, or jotting down notes in preparation for the exam.

If you have a large number of assignments due on specific dates during the semester (especially if they are all due at once), your coach may be able to assist you with a good strategy for preparing and organizing yourself for each one.

The coach will also be available to help if you are concerned about how best to manage your time before and/or during exams. For example, do you know what materials and study aids are permitted in the testing room?

How long should you spend reviewing lecture notes before taking an exam? What is the best way to review for a test?

How much time should you spend reviewing your notes for an exam? What are some good study habits for preparing for an exam?

Developing academic and career goals, and developing strategies for achieving these goals

Studying effectively, such as how to stay focused on the task at hand, how to use study aids and when it is appropriate to ask others for help or guidance.

Identifying possible learning disabilities that may be contributing to academic skills problems.

Consult with an Academic Coach now! Talk to a Coach

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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