3 Steps To Teach Better Online

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Teaching Cudy

For some tutors, the concept of teaching online remains foreign to them. For others, it’s a trade-skill that they possess in the teaching industry. Despite Cudy, a virtual classroom that preserves interactivity between students and tutors, some tutors still struggle with transitioning from traditional to online teaching. So, here are some tips to improve online teaching!


Engage with learners online

As Online-classes do not offer the traditional “stage” that students are typically used to, it’s vital to establish your virtual presence from the beginning. Show the students that you care, just as you would with any normal classroom!

Think of any student's first day of school. The clammy feeling they get in their hands when entering a new class. Hence, push aside some time to properly welcome them into the new online-learning community!

Engage your students digitally!

  • Have a short introductory session
  • Create a class-group (Telegram. Whatsapp. Take your pick)
  • Share your social media(s)


Mixture of resources

With Cudy, it’s possible to upload your own personal resources that can be used during class. Hence, take advantage of it and collaborate with students!

The best online tutors create a blend of synchronous and asynchronous activities by combining traditional and newer tools.

  • Use audio and visual resources to diversify content
  • Create personal worksheets with in-class activities to make the content more interesting
  • Make use of our digital whiteboard to increase student and teacher engagement!


Encourage feedback

Just as with a student in a physical classroom, giving feedback is no exception in the online-teaching realm. Providing feedback would ensure an informative yet engaging online-learning experience for students. It’s always good to get encouragement when you’re on the right track and have a little nudge when you’re doing something wrong


  • Consistently give feedback to the student during their whole learning process.
  • Promote group feedback to build peer engagement
  • Reward students to further motivate them


In essence, teaching online is no different from teaching face-to-face! Students would be more encouraged to participate in engagements and discussions once they feel the genuineness of a tutor! With all these tips in place, you can feel more confident about your online teaching skills. Expect a more positive and collaborative learning environment for you and your students on Cudy!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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