4 Benefits of Creative Writing That Will Help Singaporean Kids

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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As per statistics, reading helps you develop and enhance your writing ability, but writing develops your organizational abilities, influencing others by persuasion, and your intellectual growth. To make it simple, writing has a huge impact on the growth of your children. Many Singaporean parents are very much aware of how studies affect the future of their kids. That said, many parents chose to enhance and develop their children while they are still young. 

There are many creative writing programs, workshops, and courses in Singapore. Whether your child is interested in writing or he sees himself as a top-selling book writer, there are many options to choose from. Research shows that children who are good in creative writing are better in different subjects like science, languages, and math. These children love to challenge themselves to make creative thoughts as well as solutions to the problems – which also builds their discipline and confidence to succeed in their lives. 


Children from Singapore and many parts of the world are having a hard time expressing and understanding what they exactly feel. By means of writing, they have the freedom to explore and it can also be a beneficial tool to express their feelings. 

Communication & Persuasion Skills

When writing a great piece, one must involve thorough planning, organization, a lot of meaningful thoughts, and right use of language to point directly what you are writing about. With this practice, Singaporean kids will learn how to write effectively. 

Imagination & Creativity

Through creative writing, your children will get to exercise their minds and run their imaginations to come up with a well-written piece. It also enhances their skills to turn up with some alternatives if needed. With creative creating, Singaporean kids will broaden the processes of their thought and be successful in different areas including analytical and problem-solving. 

Self Confidence

Writing is a great way to let your children’s voice be heard. It’s also one of many ways to give their opinions and boost their confidence. 

Creative writing seems a huge help to many Singaporean children as well as parents. That’s why we really know how the development of your children is important to you. We, at Cudy, offers online tuitions that will help young learners develop themselves, not only academically but with also the skills they have. We want to help every Singaporean to attain the quality of education they want through online learning. Learn more about us by heading to www.cudy.co.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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