5 Things to Take Note of During Preschool Open Houses in Singapore

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

5 Things to Take Note of During Preschool Open Houses in Singapore

If you’re a parent who is new to the preschool scene, you may be overwhelmed by the number of open houses that are held on any given day.

How do you decide which one to attend? Which school is best for your child? What are the things that you should look out for?

Here are five things that you should take note of during preschool open houses in Singapore:

1. Look for a conducive environment.

Before even thinking about anything else, look at the environment that your child will be in if he or she were to enroll in the school.

Is it clean and safe? Are there enough teachers around to help out and supervise the children?

Are there enough toys and activities for kids to do? Does it feel like a place where your child can grow and learn while having fun at the same time?

These are just some of the questions that you should ask yourself when looking at preschools.

Remember, your child will spend most of his or her time here, so make sure that it’s a place where he or she can have fun and learn at the same time.

2. Take note of how each teacher interacts with kids.

Each teacher is different, so it’s important to take note of how they interact with kids and other parents as well.

If they appear friendly, then they may be good people to approach if you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or behavior.

If they seem distant or aloof, then they may not be good people to approach if there are issues with your child’s development or performance at school.

In any case, try to speak with as many teachers as possible during an open house.

So that you can get a good idea of what kind of people they are before deciding whether or not this is where your child will learn best in Singapore.

3. Take note of the class size.

If you’re interested in enrolling your child in a school that has a small class size, then you should take note of how many kids are in each class during an open house.

This will give you an idea of how much attention your child will get from teachers and other students. Whether or not he or she will be able to learn effectively while having fun at the same time.

In addition, smaller classes tend to mean that there are more teachers around to help out and supervise the children.

Which can only be a good thing for kids who may need some extra attention or guidance.

4. Observe how kids interact with each other.

A preschool should be a place where kids learn how to get along with others as well as become better individuals overall.

So it’s important to observe how kids interact with each other while they’re playing or working on different activities during an open house session.

Do they seem comfortable around each other? Do they have any difficulty working together? Are they getting along well?

These are all things that you should look out for if you want your child to have the best possible chance at learning and growing alongside his or her peers in Singapore.

5. Ask for a tour of the school facilities.

Finally, take a tour of the school facilities before deciding whether or not this is where your child will learn best in Singapore.

This way, you can see what kind of equipment and resources are available for him or her to use while studying and playing here.

You can also see what kind of extracurricular activities he or she may participate in once enrolled here as well.

These tours may also give you an idea of what it’s like to live here day-to-day if your child decides to enroll here in the future as well.

So it’s always good to ask for one before deciding whether or not this is where your child will thrive while learning new things every day!

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