How to Create Engaging Training in the Age of the 8-Second Attention Span

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

How to Create Engaging Training in the Age of the 8-Second Attention Span

People used to come to work in factories. They did the same things, over and over again.

That’s what the industrial revolution was all about. But today, we don’t go to work in factories.

We go to work in businesses that are constantly changing and evolving. And as a result, we need a different approach to training than we used to.

Today, we need training that’s engaging, informative and entertaining—not boring like the old days of factory jobs. And if you want your employees to learn something new or do something differently in the future, you need training that keeps their attention and teaches them how to solve problems on their own.

Luckily, there are some simple ways you can make your training more engaging and fun for your employees:

Create videos instead of slideshows

If you want people to pay attention for 8 seconds or less, why not just give them a video? Videos engage people more than PowerPoint slides ever could—and it’s easier for people who are watching at home or on their phones during lunch break.

Plus they get better results from their employees because they actually have content they can take away with them after the session is over! Use humor: Most people don’t like boring training.

In fact, they hate it. So if you want to keep their attention, try injecting some humor into your training. Even a simple video can do the trick!

Add quizzes and games

Another way to make your training more engaging is to add a quiz or game at the end of each section. This will make it more fun for your employees, and give them something to look forward to during the training session.

This way, they’ll have something that will help them remember what they learned later on—and they’ll be more likely to apply what they learned in their day-to-day work as well!

Give away prizes

A prize doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy—it just has to be enough of an incentive for people to participate in your training.

If you offer an extra hour of paid time off for everyone who shows up at the training session, people will come because it means something extra for them! Or if you offer a gift card or some other small prize for taking part in the training session, that will help encourage participation as well.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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