All you need to know about AEIS Singapore exam


Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023


The AEIS Singapore Exam will conduct in English. The AEIS Singapore exam has 4 sections: Verbal, Quantitative, General Knowledge and English. There are two papers each for the verbal and quantitative sections.

The duration of the exam is 3 hours 30 minutes. The question paper consists of multiple choice questions from four broad areas – Language Usage,

Sentence Completion, Para Jumbles and Figurative Language/Fill in the Blanks. Each question carries 1 mark and each correct answer will award 1 mark.

The total marks for each paper are 100 (75 for language usage and 25 for other three sections).

About the AEIS Singapore Exam

The AEIS Singapore exam will conduct by the Singapore Examination Syndicate, a statutory board under the Ministry of Education.

The syllabus for this exam has set by the Language Teaching Branch of the Ministry of Education. The Language Teaching Branch develops and reviews syllabi for language examinations conducted in Singapore.

The syllabus for this exam has revised in 2013. This exam happens twice a year, in March and September.

The AEIS Singapore exam comprises 4 papers, two each for verbal and quantitative sections. Each paper carries 100 marks. The duration of each paper is 3 hours 30 minutes.

Examination parts

AEIS Singapore examination has designed to test candidate's knowledge of the four broad areas: reading comprehension, writing skills, listening comprehension and speaking skills (in English).

Each section consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer only. No negative marking will be given for incorrect answers or omissions.

But candidates will lose marks if they do not attempt any question within that section. There are three papers – Writing Skills 1 (Grammar), Writing Skills 2 (Vocabulary) and Speaking Skills.

AEIS Singapore examination take places in both morning and afternoon sessions. AEIS Singapore candidates have a seat in the morning or afternoon session depending on their application.

Each AEIS Singapore candidate will allow to bring only one sharpened pencil and a calculator. Along with no memory function into the examination hall.

Candidates are not allowed to bring any form of communication devices. Such as mobile phones, pagers, hand-held computers, watches, calculators with memory functions or any other equipment into the examination hall.


In summary, the AEIS Singapore exam will conduct twice a year in March and September. It is an important stepping stone for those who wish to pursue higher education in Singapore or abroad.

The four broad areas – reading comprehension, writing skills, listening comprehension and speaking skills (in English) are tested in this exam.

The exam consists of 4 papers, two each for verbal and quantitative sections. Each paper carries 100 marks.

Do you have any query regarding AEIS Singapore examination? Please post your question here.

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