Creating Online Course for Employee Training: A Step-by-Step Guide

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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Online course is a flexible training conducted in online platform. Mobile learning technologies can help people take essential formal training wherever and whenever they want—straight to their phones.

While creating online courses for employee training might seem intimidating, there are several ways to make it a lot easier.

This article will go over the steps you should take to create a quality online course for your employees.

Photo by Vojtech Okenka from Pexels.

Include All The Information Your Employees Need

It’s essential to include as much information as possible. Help your employees learn about their responsibilities and how they should do it. 

For example, if you’re introducing a new program or system, including details about your course's new policy and procedure.

As you design your course, think about all the information your employees need to know.

When designing an online course, use the following guidelines: Don’t assume that everyone who will use the course already knows what they need to know.

Ensure that all the content you want employees to see is visible and readable at one time so they can read and understand all of it.

When possible, avoid having multiple versions of content available at once.

When employees can only see one version at a time, they are less likely to understand what they are looking at and are more likely to forget what they have read and found it difficult to find again later on when needed.

Cover Everything From How to When They Need to Complete

Provide examples of common mistakes or misunderstandings in each area so that employees can avoid making them on their own. 

Conduct a series of small-scale tests to check the user’s comprehension and check for the areas where they need further explanation.

Use short videos that employees can watch in their own time or have available on their computer to reinforce what you teach.

Use animations, photographs, and illustrations when possible to show the details that are not understood by the employee.

Train employees in one-on-one sessions. You should set these up as video tutorials so that there is no risk of them forgetting what they have been taught later on.

Focus on practical examples, using practical tasks such as using a printer or photocopier, logging into a system, logging out, downloading software, etc.

So, when students need help, they can take the proper training.

Include Quizzes and Exercises in Online Course

The quizzes will also ensure that your employees actually retain what they’ve learned, rather than just memorizing it.

This will also help you gauge how well your course is being received.

It will be more effective if you can have the employees take the quizzes outside of work.

These questions can be multiple-choice, true or false, and open-ended.

Include A Summary in the Online Course

Using this technique will enable the trainer to clarify the benefits and the purpose of the training. In addition, it will show learners that their development matters. 

This will ensure that they can keep what they’ve learned in the course and can reference it when needed. Finally, make sure that your course is interactive and fun.

If your employees aren’t enjoying themselves, they won’t be able to keep what they’ve learned and will probably just skip tedious or tricky sections for them. 

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels.

Don’t Be Afraid to Include Humor or Stories

This will help make it more interesting for them and make learning from you more accessible.

When people learn informally, they are usually less organized and more spontaneous than learning formally.

Add a bit of fun and make it more enjoyable for them.

Here are some examples of how you can add humor and stories to your training presentations:

1. Instead of a PowerPoint, use a whiteboard

Draw the course outline on the board and use a marker to write some examples of what you want them to do or what they should expect when they get there.

If you have time, make it fun by adding silly things like clowns and funny characters that represent the course material.

They will remember that they had fun while learning the material.

2. Have a student leader from each team talk about their experience

This gives them something to relate to and makes them feel vital, since it is their company and theirs. It also allows them to thank you for everything you’ve done for them.

If possible, give them some stickers that say “Thank You” so they can put them on their company ID badge or name tag at work to thank you in person later when they have time off work.

You could also have everyone who attended the presentation write down their own thank-you notes in a particular book so they can send them to you at the end of the year.

3. Give a special award

You can also give each employee a special gift or award at the end of your presentation, so they will remember what you taught them and how much they appreciated it.

If you have time, give them a hand-written note and an electronic thank-you card.

Or, have everyone who attended sign a special certificate that will be hung up in their work area to show everyone else what they’ve learned and that they’re thankful for it.

4. Share the presentationduring the online course

If you can get permission from your company’s HR department, ask them if you can post your presentation on the company intranet so that everyone can see it and see how much everyone else learned from it.

Add Other Resources

You should include links to other online courses or books that they can read if they want to learn more about the topic covered in your course and links to websites where they can find more information. 

This will ensure that they can learn more about the topic even after they finish your course.

Standalone training initiatives often fail to meet their organizational objectives and participant expectations, especially if they are part of one-off events. That's why it's crucial to make follow-through learning events.

Make Sure Your Course is Well-Organized

The best way to develop an effective training program for employees is to follow a systematic, step-by-step process.

It should be laid out to make it easy for employees to follow along and find the information they need.

It’s also essential to ensure that your course isn’t too long or difficult for employees to follow. This will help ensure that employees don’t get bored or lose interest, which will help them retain what they’ve learned in the course.

Be Available to Answer Questions in Online Course

You should also be available if they have any questions after finishing the course so that you can make sure they understand everything you taught them.

If you aren’t available, provide an email address or phone number where your employees can reach you to get their questions answered.

While creating online courses for employee training might seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be difficult if you use these tips and tricks when creating your course! 

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