Didn’t do well for your A-levels or polytechnic?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Didn’t do well for your A-levels or polytechnic?

Don’t worry. You can still get into a good university if you study well. It will just take a bit longer than if you were A-level or polytechnic material.

You’ll have to work harder and spend more time on the courses that you are not as good at. You might even have to do some more exams.

Remember that a university degree is about learning how to learn. You are not just going to be given information by the teacher and told to remember it.

You will have to find out how to work things out for yourself. This is one of the main reasons why people go to university – so that they can learn how to do this.

But if you have gone through school thinking that you already know everything, you might not be too keen on the idea of learning something new – even if it is really important for your future career. And if you don’t like the way your teachers tell you what to do and what you should learn, then university will probably be very difficult for you as well.

If your school teachers have never told you what is important in life, or given you a chance to think about it, then I’m afraid it’s probably too late now!

But don’t worry, most people at university are very friendly and will be more than happy to help anyone who needs it. And if there are no teachers at all in your country, then the Internet has lots of information about this kind of thing as well.

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