Group Study ‒ The Pros and Cons

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Group Study ‒ The Pros and Cons

Group study is a beneficial study technique that helps in learning. It is an excellent way to use time wisely, and also it helps in understanding the topic better.

It helps the student to concentrate and focus on the topic, set aside their difference, and also a good experiment for the teacher.

This study method helps in finding solutions to problems that may be difficult to solve alone. However, it has its own set of disadvantages, too.

It is difficult to maintain the interest level, create a discussion environment, and keep the entire group of participants interested in the topic.

This article will focus on the advantages and disadvantages factors of group study.

Good Way to Learn Topic

It is an excellent way to learn the topic as it helps the participants with learning problems. Group learning helps in creating interest in the topic.

One can learn better by explaining the task to others or listening to other people’s views.

This study method may create more interest level than learning by oneself, as it is fun and interesting to discuss with friends and know their views.

There are some complex topics to understand by oneself, but participants develop their understanding when studied in a group.

It also helps construct new ideas, organize them, and interrelate them with each other, which is difficult to understand by oneself.

Concentrate and Focus on The Topic

It helps in concentrating and focusing on the topic. When studying a group, there is no distraction as the participants are engaged in discussing the topic.

It helps to improve communication skills as while discussing with friends; one has to listen carefully.

It also improves listening skills, as it is challenging to listen carefully when engaged in the discussion.

Group Study ‒ The Pros and Cons

Photo by William Fortunato on Pexels.

Helps in Finding Solutions to Problems

One can find solutions to problems they face a lot. It is difficult to find solutions to problems alone as one has to do many research and experiments.

Nevertheless, in a group study, the participants can discuss their views and solve the problem together.

It helps find other people’s views that differ from yours and accepts them for the sake of better understanding.

Create Discussion Environment

It is difficult to create a discussion environment.

It is difficult for everyone to express their views freely, especially for introverts, as they find it difficult to speak aloud.

If one person dominates the conversation, others may feel bored and may not take part in the discussion. This may lead to an inadequate discussion and learning environment.

Keep the Entire Group Interested in the Topic

It is difficult to keep the entire group interested in the topic. If one person is not interested in the topic, it may lead to a preliminary discussion and learning environment.

It is also challenging to keep everyone engaged in the discussion.

Sometimes people may not be interested in what others are saying and may get distracted. It also depends upon the subject, whether people are interested.

For example, if one sample studies an exciting topic, it is easy for them to maintain an interest level.

Still, if one sample studies a less exciting topic, it may be difficult for them to maintain an interest level.


Group study is an activity that requires all members of the group to attend the session together.

It is challenging to have a group learning with more than a few members, and it is impossible to hold a group learning remotely.

This is a sample of why group study is a time-consuming activity. It takes time to find the other group members, get together, and communicate with them.

Especially if the group members live far away from each other, it may take a lot of time to find a time to be together.

One way to reduce the time and effort needed for group study is to learning in pairs or small groups.

Here, you will have fewer people to communicate with, and you will spend less time finding a date and a place for the group study.

Group Study ‒ The Pros and Cons

Photo by Laura Tancredi on Pexels.


A group study is an activity in which a member of the group plays the validity of a teacher’s role.

This role is usually taken by the most knowledgeable member of the group or a more confident and socially dominant person to give treatments such as to teach and review the students’ work.

It requires this person to explain and answer questions that arise during the study session.

This way of running a study session may be disadvantageous for members who are less confident in their knowledge or who have less experience with studying.

Besides, people with different learning styles may find it challenging to understand this type of teaching style.

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Homework Considered Unimportant

Group study is usually conducted independently from the actual homework assignments.

The group members are supposed to ask themselves questions and try to resolve them without being prompted by other participants or teachers.

This approach may dishearten participants who rely on teachers for help or whose academic performance highly depends on their performance at home assignments.

On the contrary, participants who do not find it difficult to study independently and feel confident in their knowledge may find this approach more efficient than usual.


Group study is an activity that does not consider the learning pace of each group member.

For example, if two participants in a group need more time to understand a specific concept, they will have to wait for the other members to understand it first.

If one participant does not feel that they are ready to move on, they will have to wait for their peers.

On the contrary, if two participants in a group are more advanced than others, they could be bored by questions that other group members cannot answer.

In such cases, these advanced participants may feel that their time is wasted while waiting for others to catch up with them.

One way of dealing with this problem is to design group study sessions so that each student studies independently and at his or her own pace.

Group Study ‒ The Pros and Cons

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.

Getting the Most of Group Study

Group study is an activity that has a few disadvantages, but it also has many advantages.

If you are not sure whether group study suits you, you can try it out and see it for yourself.

Below are some tips that will help you get the most from group study:

  • Take an active role in group study. Even if you are not the leader, you can still take an active part in a group study. Make sure that your voice is heard and that your opinion is respected.
  • Be open-minded. Group study can be very effective when there are no conflicts within the group, but it can also be a great learning experience if you try to see things from the perspective of other members of the group.
  • It is important to agree on rules for participation in the group study, such as how to treat disagreements, how much time is devoted to each person’s presentation, etc.
  • Show respect for other members of the group and their opinions. It does not matter how much knowledge you have or how well you understand a certain concept; it does not give you the right to criticize other people’s thoughts or feelings.
  • Give your best. Group study is not a competition, but it can still help you improve your skills and to build confidence if you put in your best effort. If you feel you are not ready to give the presentation, or if you are not confident in your knowledge of a certain concept, do not avoid the discussion.
  • Try to be respectful towards other members of the group while still being honest about your thoughts and feelings.

Make the Most Out of Your Learning Session

To conclude, group study is a promising strategy that helps in learning for the participants. However, it has its own set of disadvantages, too.

It is difficult to maintain the interest level, create a discussion environment, and keep the entire group of participants interested in the topic.

However, it is an excellent way to learn the topic as it helps the student with learning problems. Group study helps in creating interest in the topic.

One can learn better by explaining the topic to others or listening to other people’s views.

It helps in concentrating and focusing on the topic. It also helps in finding solutions to problems that may be difficult to solve alone.

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