How can Foreign Students Get Admission into Singapore School?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Foreign students who want to study in Singapore local schools need to apply for an MOE-approved school. Then after they will obtain a study pass. The eligibility criteria for getting the study pass is:

Aged between 7 and 12 years old

The child has no physical or mental disability which may hamper his/her studies

The child is free from infectious diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, etc.

Does the Study Pass Holder have to pay school fees?

Yes, the holder of the study pass has to pay a nominal fee. This fee is ‘Foreign Student Fee’ this is a fix fee from the school every year.

However, Singapore government provides financial assistance to eligible students through scholarships and bursaries.

There are also organizations that provide financial assistance in the form of grants, loans and sponsorships.

The amount of financial assistance provided depends on various factors. Such as nationality, household income and availability of funds from other sources.

If you are eligible for financial assistance then it will sent directly to your school account. The payment will settled also through your sponsor agency or organization as per your requirement.

Some examples of organizations that provide financial assistance are International Organisation for Migration (IOM), UNICEF and Global Links Foundation (GLF).

In summary, studying in Singapore is one of the best things that can happen to you. The local schools in Singapore are highly ranked in the world. Thus, you will be able to learn a lot from them.

It is recommended that students who want to study in Singapore should first learn the local language. Especially, in English language and then start their admission process as early as possible.

Read similar article about 5 Tips To Consider While Choosing IGCSE Centre In Singapore or Best Primary Schools in Singapore on our Cudy Blog sites.

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