How Can I Find a Part-Time Job as a Tutor in Singapore?

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

How Can I Find a Part-Time Job as a Tutor in Singapore?

If you are an international student, finding a part-time job in Singapore is one of the most important steps you can take to integrate into the local community.

Apart from improving your local language skills, a part-time job will also help you to learn about local culture and customs. If you have a talent for teaching, it is possible to find a part-time job and give classes for struggling students.

Here are some ways to find a part-time job alerts as a tutor in Singapore:

Schools or tutoring centres

Many schools and tuition centres hire tutors to teach students from various levels and grades. It is easy to find part-time jobs at schools or tuition centres because they provide training and development programmes for their tutors.

This allows you to gain valuable experience that can be used when applying for full-time jobs in the future. Your chances of finding work at schools or tutoring centres are higher if you have completed your diploma or degree in education or related fields such as languages, English literature, arts, music, social sciences and business studies.

RELATED: Best Way to Find Part-Time Jobs in Kuala Lumpur

Language centres

Language centres offer part-time jobs for students who are interested in learning languages. Some language centres also hire native speakers of the language they teach to help students improve their language skills through one-on-one tuition.

If you are fluent in a foreign language, you can try to find a part-time job at a language centre.

Parents’ associations

Parents' associations usually hire tutors to help students with their homework and improve their grades. It is easy to find part-time jobs with parents' associations because they usually do not require any specific qualifications for tutors.

However, your chances of finding work with parents' associations are lower than at schools or tutoring centres because they often only need tutors for a short period of time during school holidays.

Cram schools

Cram schools hire tutors to help students prepare for examinations such as the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) and GCE (General Certificate of Education) examinations.

Just like parents' associations, your chances of finding work at cram schools are lower than at schools or tutoring centres because they also need tutors for a short period of time during school holidays.

How Can I Find a Part-Time Job as a Tutor in Singapore?: man in brown sweater sitting on chair
Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash.

Local language newspapers

Local language newspapers usually advertise tutors to teach local and international students. However, your chances of finding work in local language newspapers are lower than at schools or tutoring centres because they often only need teachers for a short period of time during school holidays.


It is possible to find a part-time job as a tutor by networking with friends, family members and other people you know.

You can also join online communities such as forums or social networking sites to ask about available part-time jobs as a tutor in Singapore.

Advertise on job boards

You can also advertise for part-time jobs as a tutor on job boards. Some websites offer free listings for teachers.

From big to small companies, almost everyone can use a tutor. In Singapore, there are many companies that need tutors for their employees or their children.

Walk-in interviews

If you do not have a lot of experience, you can try to find a part-time job as a tutor by walking into the offices of schools or tutoring centres and asking about any available positions.

It is important to make sure that you are well-prepared for any interview and be ready to answer questions about your qualifications and experience.

How much money can I get with a part-time job in Singapore?

The amount of money you can earn from a part-time tuition job depends on your experience, the school, or tuition centre you work for and the time you spend working. You can usually earn around $15 to $130 per hour from a part-time job as a student tutor.

You can get more if you teach subjects like Math or English, which have high demands.

How Can I Find a Part-Time Job as a Tutor in Singapore?: person standing near brown concrete wall
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash.

What are the working hours for a part-time job as a tutor?

The working hours and the hourly rate for a part-time job as a tutor vary depending on the school or tuition centre you work for. Most schools and tutoring centres offer teachers flexible working hours per week, so you can usually choose the time you want to work.

Some schools and tutoring centres also provide part-time jobs for private tutors who are interested in teaching their students outside of normal working hours.

In conclusion, finding a part-time job as a tutor in Singapore's tuition industry is easy if you have the right subject qualifications and experience. If you are an international student, you can find a part-time job as a tutor from many sources.

You can find part-time tutor positions at schools or tuition agencies, language centres, parents' associations, cram schools and local language newspapers.

Teach in online classes, get a stable income, pursue your career and be the best tutor service. So, what are you waiting for? Come and join Cudy!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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