How Can You Motivate Your Child to Learn Outside of their Tuition Classes

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

How Can You Motivate Your Child to Learn Outside of their Tuition Classes

Well, you can’t. They have to want to learn on their own. But you can help them get there by taking the time to motivate them yourself.

1. Make sure that your child knows what they are learning in their classes is useful and interesting.

The main thing that will motivate your child is if they feel like they are gaining something from their tuition classes and the things they are learning in them.

2. Ask your child about their day, what they learned in class and what they thought of it.

Make sure that you give them enough space to tell you about it and don’t interrupt them too much when they start talking about it.

This will make them feel like you actually care about what they have to say and have interested in what goes on at school with them. Which will help motivate them even more because it will make them feel special and loved by you.

3.Ask your child how things went with a particular subject or a particular teacher at school.

If something has happened with one of those subjects or teachers which might be concerning for them or if there is something else going on at school.

Which might be concerning for you as a parent, like if another student was bullying your child or something similar happened which has upset your child or made him/her worried about going back to school the next day etc…

If this happens, don’t let the subject drop and just leave it alone. Because, this might end up making things worse for your child and he/she might start being worried.

Every time he/she goes back to school after that because he/she will be afraid of the same thing happening again.

Try to talk calmly with him/her and try to find out exactly what happened. So that you can figure out a way together how to solve this problem. Without causing more problems than necessary for him/her or the other student. That involved in this situation (if there is another student involved).

4.Make sure that your child has the opportunity to go to school every day.

Try to make your child doesn’t miss any classes unless he/she is sick or something similar happens which is out of his/her control.

If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, talk to his/her teacher or guidance counselor and ask them what they think about it.

They might be able to give you some advice on how to help him/her with this problem if they think that there is a problem.

5.Make sure that your child has the opportunity to do their homework every day.

At the time they get home from school, without having pressured by you or anyone else. They should do the homework without having any other distractions.

The distractions might prevent them from doing it in a good time and also in a good way (without rushing through it, skipping important parts etc…).

It is better if they can do their homework after dinner, but not too late in the evening.

Because they will probably have trouble falling asleep afterwards and this might cause them to miss out on their sleep time which will affect their ability to concentrate in class the next day etc…

In summary

The main thing that will motivate your child to learn is if they feel like they are gaining something from their tuition classes and the things they are learning in them.

You can help them get there by taking the time to motivate them yourself. If you do this, your child will have a better chance of being motivated to learn on his/her own and this will lead to better results in school

Cudy is a learning platform for online classes that includes effective tutoring. The tutoring features are incredibly easy to use and can be accessed at any time and from any place.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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