The salary for a primary school tutor varies greatly by experience, location and employer.
In Singapore, the average salary for a primary school tutor ranges from SGD 3,000 to SGD 6,000.
The average salary in Malaysia ranges from MYR 2,000 to MYR 3,000.
In Indonesia, the average salary is Rp. 1,500,000 per month and in Philippines it is 488 to 498 USD per month.
In India and Sri Lanka it is 1 INR 100 to 200 per hour or USD 2-3 per hour (Note that these figures are intended as an estimate only)
How much does a primary school tutor make per hour?
In Singapore, the average hourly salary for a primary school tutor ranges from SGD 6.50 to SGD 13.00 per hour.
The average hourly salary in Malaysia ranges from MYR 10 to MYR 15 per hour.
In Indonesia, the average hourly salary is Rp. 70,000 per hour and in Philippines it is 90 to 120 USD per hour (Note that these figures are intended as an estimate only).
In India and Sri Lanka it is 1 INR 40 to 80 per hour or USD 1-2 per hour (Note that these figures are intended as an estimate only)
How much does a primary school tutor make per year?
In Singapore, the average yearly salary for a primary school tutor ranges from SGD 36,000 to SGD 72,000.
The average yearly salary in Malaysia ranges from MYR 24,000 to MYR36,000.
In Indonesia, the average yearly salary is Rp. 3,200,000 and in Philippines it is 624 USD per year (Note that these figures tends as an estimate only).
In India and Sri Lanka it is Rs. 80,000 to 100,000 per year (Note that these figures tends as an estimate only)
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