In these modern business times, you cannot talk about employee engagement trends without discussing digital technology.
The growth of remote working has made it easier than ever to connect and, especially when creating training courses for your remote workforce.
One of the most important tools for designing effective learning courses in digital technology.
It would be best if you leveraged video conferencing tools like Skype, Teams, or Zoom to allow your employees to interact with each other and build a sense of community to improve their engagement levels.
Technology has changed the way we work, and it is now easier than ever to create an engaging training course for your remote team. Check out Cudy's LMS platform for a good look at online training courses.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.
Why is Employee Engagement Important?
Companies that have high levels of employee engagement are more likely to have higher productivity and profits.
The main reason for this is that when you have engaged workers, you will create an environment where everyone gets along, improving your team's productivity.
On the other hand, disengaged employees are not only more likely to quit, but they are also less productive. A terrible employee performance will then lower your business' productivity and profitability.
How to Engage Remote Employees Through Online Training?
To engage your remote teams, you need to design an engaging training program. This is especially important because the lack of engagement is often one of the biggest problems experienced by companies with remote workers.
If your workers do not feel like they are part of the corporate culture, they will not be motivated to do their job, and their productivity will suffer.
One way to design a more engaging training program is by making the course relevant and level to your remote employees.
Steps to Build Remote Training Courses
Nevertheless, how can you improve engagement when you have no way to affect it directly? For this reason, you must design an engaging training course for your remote workers.
The training will allow your employees to connect with others from the office, which will help them feel like part of the company and improve their engagement levels.
Photo by Leon on Unsplash.
Step 1: Understand What You are Trying to Achieve
Before you start designing your employee training programs, you must understand what you are trying to achieve.
In this case, your goal is to improve engagement levels and create a sense of community between the remote workers and the office staff.
Nevertheless, why do remote workers need training? Many companies do not use a unified communication tool (ex: Slack), which means that the remote workers have no way to connect to their counterpart office environment.
This makes it hard for them to build relationships with their co-workers.
Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience
Next, you need to identify the right audience for your course. In this case, there are two main groups: 1) new hires and 2) current employees who only work remotely.
The former needs to introduce the company culture, while current workers need a refresher on company values and making a difference.
However, you do not want your remote employees to feel like they are being talked down to. For this reason, you must design a course that appeals to both groups.
Step 3: Create a Training Course That Reaches Employees Where They Are
There are many different remote training courses that companies use. Some of these are more popular than others (ex: video lessons).
However, you need to consider your target audience's time and skills before selecting one (or several) for your training course.
You can use the following guidelines to help you decide what type, of course, would be best suited for your remote employees:
First, focus on the resources that are available at your disposal.
For example, if you have access to multimedia platforms, such as PowerPoint and YouTube, create videos or slideshows.
Second, think about how long each lesson will take and how often you want them to be released (you can do this in the form of a schedule).
Third, consider the skills that your employees are most likely to have.
For example, some people are better at reading than listening, so you might include many reading materials in your course.
Step 4: Use Technology to Create Engaging Training Courses
If you are going to use technology in your remote training course, you need to consider what platforms you will use. In this case, you should select 2-3 platforms and stick with them.
This will help your employees get used to the platform and the style of communication that it involves.
However, you do not have to stick with just one platform for the entire length of your training course. You can change it up from time-to-time by using different platforms and communication styles (ex: video lessons vs audio).
For example, you could start with video lessons and later include an audio call for each lesson or quiz.
In some cases, you may find that you will have to create your technology if there is no platform available for what you want to do. This is especially true if you are creating a training course that is very specific to your company's needs.
Photo by Headway on Unsplash.
Step 5: Set Up a Schedule and Stick To It
One of the most effective things you can do when it comes to remote employee training is set up a schedule and stick with it. As we have mentioned in the past, consistency has an impact on engagement levels.
This is also true when it comes to remote training courses. If your employees know exactly when they will receive a new lesson or quiz, they will better prepare for it.
While you may not be able to set up a schedule that works for all of your employees, you should at least have a schedule in place for remote trainees.
If possible, you should also be willing to do live training courses once or twice a year. This will help keep your remote employees engaged and show them that they are still an important part of your team.
Remote training is no different from any other type of training when it comes to building employee engagement. You need to make sure that you are doing it right and have the proper tools to accomplish this goal.
Step 6: Find Ways To Track Progress and Adjust For Future Training Courses
One thing you will need to do when it comes to remote training is to find ways to track employee progress and adjust your training courses for future training courses.
This will help you find out what your employees know, what they do not know, and what they still need to learn.
The easiest way to accomplish this is by setting up a quiz or test at the end of each remote training course. This can be done by either using a platform or creating your test questions.
For example, if you go with a platform, you can see how many of your group employees completed the course and how many missed certain lessons or quizzes throughout the course itself.
As for creating your quiz, this will help you get an idea of where each employee stands.
This will help you determine what you need to cover in future training courses to ensure that your employees are getting everything they need to succeed with their job.
Photo byairfocus on Unsplash.
Step 7: Evaluate and Asks for Feedbacks
One thing that is important when it comes to remote training is learning how to provide feedback.
One of the best ways to provide feedback is by using an online platform that will allow you to customize each message and see exactly who is receiving them and what they are receiving.
This gives you the ability to adjust quickly and ensure that everyone has received the same message.
Another option is to create your automated survey using Survey Monkey or Google Forms. This will allow you to get an idea of how well your training course went and what employees still need to learn.
You can also use this time to gauge how much each employee knew before the course started. This will help you determine if you need to adjust the course for future training courses or do a good job.
Create a Sense of Engagement With Employees
Remote training is all about creating a sense of engagement with your employees. You want them to feel like they are still an important part of your team and that you care about them as people.
To accomplish this goal, you need to focus on making sure that their training course is engaging.
If employers have higher profits, they have more to share with employees through better wages or benefits.
It also helps employers reduce their workforce turnover, saving them time and money in hiring and training new employees.
Looking to use good online training courses? Check out on Cudy LMS now!