How to overcome procrastination

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Procrastination is a habit that most students have. It is an act of postponing things until the last minute.

There are many reasons why students procrastinate. The main reason is that they think they can do it later and it will be easier to do it then. But this is not true. Procrastination can lead to stress and a lot of frustration.

How to overcome procrastination?

There are some ways that you can use to overcome procrastination:

Plan your work

Before starting your work, make a plan for the whole day or week and stick to it. This way you will know what you have to do and when you have to do it.

You will not waste time thinking about what you should do next or when you should start working on something. When you make a plan, write down all the tasks that need to be done and put them in order of importance so that you know which task has priority over others.

This way, when you finish one task, move on to the next one without thinking about what else needs to be done.

Set deadlines

Deadlines are very important for achieving goals in time because they give us motivation and force us to finish our work in time.

Deadlines are also very important for overcoming procrastination because they give us a sense of urgency and they make us work faster.

If you have a deadline, you will not have time to think about what else you should do next or when you should start working on something. So, set deadlines for all your tasks and try to finish them in time.

Reward yourself: If you finish a task, reward yourself. For example, if you finish a big project, reward yourself with a movie or dinner with friends.

This way you will feel good about your work and you will be motivated to do more work.

Take breaks

Taking breaks is very important for your health and productivity. It gives your brain some rest and helps you to think more clearly.

So, take short breaks every hour or so and try to relax as much as possible during these breaks. You can go for a walk outside or just relax on the couch with a cup of tea or coffee.

Don’t procrastinate

Don’t put off things until the last minute. If you have a task that needs to be done, do it as soon as possible. This way you will not have to worry about it and you will not have to rush at the last minute.

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