Local and International Preschools: What’s the Difference?

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Local and International Preschools: What's the Difference?

Do you hesitate between local and international preschools? Choosing preschools for your children is a very important decision.

If you don’t choose wisely, others may leave your children behind in terms of education and social skills.

To understand the differences between local and international preschools, you need to know the common characteristics of each education system.

1. Academic Curriculum

Local preschools follow a comprehensive curriculum guidelines set by the local education authority. Their education background trains them to teach in the standards set by the authority.

International preschools may have a more play-based curriculum, which means they can include and promote other cultures.

For example, one international preschool in Indonesia teaches students about the Turkish culture through stories and arts and cuisines. International students also get to learn about local cultures and follow the bilingual curriculum.

2. Teaching Methods

In local preschools, teachers use a teaching method called “direct instruction.” This means that teachers give directions to students and watch them perform them.

Direct instruction is a teaching method that is easy for teachers to follow and use, but doesn’t encourage creativity or imagination in children.

It can also bore children as they can’t do things on their own without dedicated teacher directions.

Experienced teachers at international schooling use an approach called “guided discovery.” This means that teachers provide guidance and opportunities for children to learn new things.

Guided discovery is a more interactive method, which encourages children to try things on their own.

Children can also work at their own pace, which means they can make mistakes and learn from them.

Local and International Preschools: What's the Difference?

Photo by Lucas Alexander on Unsplash.

3. Parent Involvement and School Culture

In local preschools, parents are not involved in the teaching process. This means that they don’t have any say in what goes on in the classroom.

International preschools offer a better environment for parents to take part.

This means that parents can discuss their children’s education with teachers and other parents, who have children attending the same preschool.

Parents also learn about the school culture of international preschools. The school culture is important because it gives them an idea of how they can help their children fit into the environment at school.

4. Class Size and Quality of Teachers

Local preschools have larger class sizes. This means that children don’t get enough attention from teachers. Teachers also don’t have enough time to work with each child individually.

International preschools have smaller class sizes, so teachers can spend more time with each child.

5. Cost

International preschools are usually more expensive than local preschools. The extra money that parents spend on international preschools allows them to spend more time teaching their children.

International preschools also have higher quality teachers. These teachers have gone through rigorous training and have experience working with children of all ages.

This means that they can provide an array of preschool services for your child, especially in bilingual preschools.

6. Location

International preschools are usually in foreign countries or big cities. This means that parents have to pay extra money to send their children to school.

However, this can be a good thing as it allows children to learn about other cultures and live in different places.

RELATED: How do I find a tutor for my child?

7. Time Commitment and Working Hours

In local preschools, teachers are required to work full-time hours. This means that they don’t have time for other activities such as working or taking care of the family at home.

Teachers also do not get paid extra for working overtime.

International preschools provide better work schedules for teachers and allow them to work flexible hours and earn more money.

So, Local or International School?

When choosing preschools for your children, it is important to look at the unique characteristics of each. For example, international preschools may be more expensive than local preschools.

However, international preschools have a better quality education and provide a better environment for parents to help their children succeed in school.

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