Redesign Your LMS for Corporate Training


Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023


Planning for a corporate training program is a bit different than designing a corporate learning program. With the latter, you are designing a learning process solution that you want your employees to use.

The learning environment should be organized in a way that supports learning, as well as being comfortable for the learners. Also, the learning management system (LMS) should be simple and easy to use.

When planning for corporate training content, you are designing an LMS that will be used by an external trainer to deliver training to your employees. The good news is that you have more control over the design of the LMS, which means you can make it work better for your business.

Here are five things to consider when redesigning your LMS for corporate training:

1. Consider how often you need trainers to log in and use the system.

It’s important to determine how often your trainers will be using the LMS. If they are training employees once a year, you may not need to provide them with extensive administrative privileges. However, if they are training employees every month, you will want to make sure that they have the appropriate permissions.

A continual learning environment, like an LMS, is useful for training employees who need to stay current with new procedures or processes. An effective program will require regular updates, which will require the trainers to log in regularly.

2. Give your trainers the ability to easily find content in the LMS.

Busy employees may be more comfortable using a software application that is easy to use. A user-friendly interface will allow them to easily find the information they need.

You want your trainers to spend less time searching for content and more time delivering it. To do this, you should consider tagging all of your course content so that it can be easily found by instructors in the LMS.

You can also provide your trainers with a course catalog where they can find everything that is available for them to teach.

Redesign Your LMS for Corporate Training
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

3. Design an effective dashboard for instructors.

The training manager or supervisor will need a place to manage their courses and assignments. Providing them with a dashboard that allows them to see their schedule, view the progress of learners, and access key information will be useful.

Trainers don’t have time to hunt around for data about their classes or learners in the LMS.

Make sure that you design an instructor dashboard that gives them access to information about courses, classes, learners and other key metrics about their program quickly and easily at any time of day or night.

With this way, they can stay on top of everything going on in their programs at all times. Make sure it’s easy for them to access the information they need and take action on it.

4. Make sure your LMS supports external trainers.

A big difference between corporate training and corporate learning is that in the former, you have an external trainer who is delivering the training for you. When you are designing your LMS for corporate training, make sure that it can support an external trainer delivering content through it.

The learning experience will be enhanced if the trainer is using the same LMS as the learners. This will allow them to provide a more hands-on learning experience.

5. Build a self-service portal for your trainers.

Redesign Your LMS for Corporate Training
Photo by Free Photos on Pexels

Most corporate trainers will be working with other internal stakeholders, such as managers and supervisors, in addition to their learners. Make sure that your LMS has a self-service portal where trainers can manage these relationships without involving you or other IT staff members every time they need to add or remove someone from a class or set up a new account for them in the system.

The last thing you want is for someone to spend time trying to get an admin involved every time they need to change something about their class or their learners’ accounts in the system – especially if they are using the system often and/or are not in your office every day. Self-service portals will save you time and frustration, which means they will also save you money over time!

To design good corporate training that is most suitable for your business and employees, try CudyLMS. This software allows you to reduce administrative cost and streamline your operations procedures.


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