Tips To Get Good Grades In Secondary School Additional Mathematics

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Tips To Get Good Grades In Secondary School Additional Mathematics

We are about to begin our Secondary school journey, we are excited but at the same time a little bit nervous about all the new things that await us.

I have put together some tips that will help you achieve good grades in Secondary school Additional Mathematics.

Tip 1: Have a study routine.

This will help you to plan your day and it is also important to maintain consistency.

A study routine can include things like getting up early, doing your homework as soon as you get home from school, taking a bath and going to bed early.

These are just some of the ways that you can structure your day in order to be successful. The key is to be consistent with this routine and then gradually work on expanding it.

You should also make sure that you stick to this routine even on weekends and holidays, unless of course you have something planned.

Tip 2: Find an appropriate time for studying.

You should try to find a time when you can concentrate well without being distracted by anything else.

For example if your house is full of people or there is too much noise then it may not be a good idea for you to study there.

Because these distractions could make it difficult for you to concentrate on what you’re doing. You should try and find a place where there aren’t any distractions so that your mind is clear enough for studying effectively.

A good place could be the library or somewhere quiet in your house such as the attic or basement where no one else usually goes.

This way no one will disturb you when you’re trying to concentrate on studying and this will give yourself more focus which will lead to better results in school!

Tip 3: Set goals and achieve them!

It’s important that you set yourself some goals so that each day has some meaning for you, otherwise if there are no targets set then life would just pass by without any progress made at all!

Set small goals like completing one page of homework per day or reading 10 pages from a book before going bed each night.

These goals don’t need to be very big but achieving them can give us great satisfaction because we have accomplished something, which gives us confidence moving forward towards our bigger goal(s).

I hope that these tips will help you to achieve good grades in Secondary school Additional Mathematics.

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