Tips to study for A-Level General Paper Exam?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Study in small time intervals

Taking frequent breaks while studying will help you retain information for longer. Studies have shown that it is easier to recall information if you study in small intervals.

It is better to study for 20 minutes, take a break and then resume again. This way, you will be able to remember the things that you studied for longer. It also helps to improve your concentration and comprehension.

Create a study schedule

Making a study schedule is the best way to stay focused and motivated. When you have a set time for studying, you are less likely to procrastinate.

Make sure that you write down all the topics that you need to cover and allocate the time for each topic. For example, if your syllabus has 20 topics, allocate at least two hours for each topic.

Organize your notes

While making notes during lectures, keep in mind that they will be useful when it comes to studying for exams. So, organize them in a way that they can be easily referenced while preparing for exams.

Also make sure that the notes are complete so that there is no need to refer to any other sources while studying. Use abbreviations or codes if necessary so that you can easily find the relevant notes when you need them most.

Study with friends

When you study with friends, you are less likely to procrastinate. You can help each other by asking questions and answering them when needed.

This will also make the process of studying more fun and enjoyable. But remember that studying with friends is not the same as socializing.

You should only study with your friends if they are serious about getting good grades. Otherwise, it is better to study alone.

Go for a walk after a short break

If you are feeling restless or bored while studying, it is better to take a short break and then resume again. Go for a walk outside or do some light exercises such as jogging or yoga for a few minutes.

This will help improve your concentration and refresh your mind before you start studying again.

However, if you take too many breaks during studies, you will lose focus and may not be able to recall the things that you studied earlier on.

In summary, study in small time intervals, create a study schedule, organize your notes and study with friends.

Go for a walk after a short break and you will find that studying for exams is not as difficult as you thought it would be.

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