What are the Alternatives to Coffee to Help Me Stay Awake?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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A cup of tea is another popular choice for those who want to stay awake. However, the caffeine content of tea is also relatively low. Hours of sleep is the best way to stay alert, but if you're looking for healthy alternatives, here are some options:


According to a study published in the "Journal of Neuroscience," taurine is an amino acid that has a positive effect on mental performance. It is naturally found in protein-rich foods like meat and fish.

Citrus fruits

Fruits like orange, grapefruit, and even lemon contain small amounts of caffeine. They are also rich in Vitamin C, which helps your body absorb and use caffeine.


Asparagus contains caffeine levels comparable to coffee. However, the caffeine content in asparagus isn't released into your body until after you've eaten the vegetable.

Green tea

Green tea is a great alternative to coffee because it contains less caffeine and more polyphenols. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that can help protect your body against Alzheimer's disease and other memory-related illnesses.

Coconut water

Coconut water is rich in natural electrolytes, which can help replenish your body's stores of sodium and potassium. It also contains small amounts of the caffeine found in tea.

How to stay awake

Staying awake is more than just drinking a few cups of coffee. Follow these steps to make sure you get a boost of energy:

Be consistent

Drinking your morning cup of coffee at the same time each day helps your body adapt to the caffeine, which means it stays in your system for longer.

Get moving

Exercise is an excellent way to boost your body's energy levels. A brisk 20-minute walk every morning can be enough to get you going.

Eat right

An important part of staying awake is eating the right food, especially when you have a busy schedule. A diet filled with fruits and vegetables can give you the energy you need to tackle your day.

Sleep well

Getting a good night's sleep is important for staying awake. Don't forget to drink water to keep your energy levels up and to flush out toxins.

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