What can you do to improve your child’s sleep quality

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Is the amount of sleep important for school going children?

Yes, the importance of Sleep for school going children cannot be ignored at any cost. The kids have to wake up early in the morning.

They have to go through their school or college lectures. So, they need to sleep early. They should sleep well and should wake up fresh in the morning.

Sleep is really important for kids because it helps them in getting more energetic and motivated to face their daily routines. It makes them active and healthy as well.

For a kid, who does not get enough sleep in the night, it is quite difficult to concentrate on his/her school work because these kids feel sleepy all the time because they do not get enough sleep.

How many hours of sleep are required by a Kid?

There is no specific time period of how much the time is needed for a kid to get a sound sleep at night. However, generally speaking it should be approximately 8 hours per day but it may vary from child to child.

So parents should know how many hours of sleep their kids require per day and then tries their best to fulfill this need of theirs. They should try to make their kid’s sleeping habits good.

How can Parents help their kids to get a sound sleep at night?

There are some ways by which parents can help their kids to get a sound sleep at night without any disturbance. Here are some of them:

Kids should get enough time to sleep in the day.

It is very important for parents to give enough time to their kids for getting enough sleep in the day. If parents give too much time to their kids, they will not be able to have a proper sleep at night.

That’s why you shouldn't allow your kid’s playtime after 6:00 pm. Because after this time he/she feel tired and sleepy resulting that he/she won't have a sound sleep.

So, the suggestion that you should restrict your kid’s playtime after 6:00 pm. So, that he/she does not gets too tired and sleepy and then can have a sound sleep at night.

Kids should get an early dinner.

Dinner is one of the most important meals of the day. Therefore, parents should make sure that their kids eat dinner early.

Because if they eat dinner late then they will be too hungry and then it will be difficult for them to get a sound sleep at night.

So, you should make sure that your kid eats dinner early so that he/she can have a sound sleep at night.

Kids should not watch Television.

Watching TV can have a negative effect on kids because they get more relaxed and feel sleepy. This is the reason why it is not good for kids to watch TV after 6:00 pm. Because after this time kids have tendency to sleep and relax .

Also, parents should make sure that they do not allow their kid’s television viewing before going to bed.

Because, they will focus on their favorite cartoon characters of which they cannot stop thinking about them at night which will keep them awake at night.

Kids should have a light dinner.

Dinner is one of the most important meals of the day so therefore parents should make sure that their kid’s dinner is light as much as possible.

They should avoid giving heavy food items. Because this heavy food items can disturb their sleeping habits and can lead to indigestion.

So, it is suggested that you also give your kid’s light dinner so that he/she can have a sound sleep in the night.

Kids should play active games.

Playing games is fun for kids and they like to play them so therefore it is suggested that you should also give your kids a chance to play some active games which will help them in getting a sound sleep without any disturbance.

Kids should not drink too much milk

Kids love drinking milk and they drink it at any time of the day but parents should make sure that they avoid giving their kid’s too much milk as it can disturb their sleeping habits

if they drink too much milk then they may have trouble in getting a sound sleep at night. So, it is suggested that you should give your kid’s just enough amount of milk so that he/she can have a sound sleep at night.

Kids should not eat too much chocolate or ice-cream.

Kids love eating chocolates and ice-creams. They eat ice-creams at any time of the day but parents should make sure that their kids do not eat too much chocolates or ice-creams because these food items can disturb their sleeping habits.

So, you should avoid giving your kid’s too much chocolates or ice-creams so that he/she can have a sound sleep at night.

Kids should have a relaxing bath.

It is very important for parents to make sure that their kid’s take a relaxing bath before going to bed because if they do not take a relaxing bath then they will have trouble in getting a sound sleep at night.

So, the suggestion is you should take your kid’s to the bathroom and then give them a relaxing bath so that they can have a sound sleep without any disturbance.

Kids should have enough time for playing games.

It is very important for parents to give enough time to their kids for playing games because this will help them in getting more energetic and will keep them away from Television which can disturb their sleeping habits.

Parents can also play games with their kids so that they can have a sound sleep at night.

Read more interesting and helpful articles about How parents can help their children in their school work

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