What is the difference between andragogy and pedagogy?


Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023


The main difference between andragogy and pedagogy is that, while both methods of teaching adults involve motivating students to gain a deeper understanding of a subject matter.

Pedagogy has designed to teach students for specific purposes (i.e., learning how to read in order to understand the Bible).

Whereas andragogy has designed to help adults learn whatever it is they want or need to know (i.e., going back to school as an adult so that you can advance your career).

Therefore, what one teacher may consider important information. For his or her students may not be as important to another teacher. That has other goals in mind for his or her students.

For example, one teacher may feel that long division is an important skill. For his or her students to learn while another teacher may not feel the same way.

It is also important to note that there are several variations within andragogy and pedagogy.

For instance, Dr. Malcolm Knowles established a system of five learning styles: auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), kinesthetic (doing), tactile (touching) and olfactory (smelling).

Similarly, Dr. Howard Gardner has proposed that there are seven human intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical-rhythmic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Even though these terms seem different from each other at first glance. it is helpful to know the differences. in order to understand how each learning style prefers should be in order to best teach them.

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