5 Simple Ways to Convert Content into eLearning Material

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

5 Simple Ways to Convert Content into eLearning Material

The content that you create for your online course can be used to create eLearning material as well. Here are 5 simple ways to convert content into eLearning material:

1. Record the Instructor’s Voice

One of the easiest ways to convert content into eLearning material is by recording the instructor's voice. This is a great way to capture the essence of an instructor and allow students to listen and learn from him/her even when they are not present in class.

You can use screen capture software like Camtasia or Jing to record your instructor's voice while he/she is explaining a concept, demonstrating a lab, or providing an example in class. The audio recording can then be converted into an MP3 file using free tools like Audacity or Nero Wave Editor.

2. Record Video of a Screencast

You can also record video of a screencast in order to create eLearning material from it. While this method takes more time than recording audio, it allows you to explain concepts with animations and videos that are more interesting than static images and text alone. It also allows you to show students how to perform a task by demonstrating it on the screen.

3. Convert PowerPoint Presentations into Flash Presentations

One of the easiest ways to convert PowerPoint presentations into eLearning material is by converting them into Flash presentations. You can use free tools like Freemind or SmartDraw to convert your PowerPoint presentations into Flash presentations. You can then use the resulting Flash presentation as eLearning material for your online course.

5 Simple Ways to Convert Content into eLearning Material
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.

4. Convert Documents into Interactive Documents

You can also convert documents into interactive documents using free tools like Diigo, Evernote, and Zoho Docs in order to create eLearning material from them. This is a great way to create interactive lessons and activities from existing content in PDF format such as chapters from books, lecture notes, etc.

This will allow you to add annotations, audio recordings, videos, links, etc., which will make the content more interesting and useful for students taking your online course.

You can also embed videos in the document so that students can listen to an instructor's voice while reading about a concept or performing an activity instead of having to listen and watch at the same time (which can be distracting).

5. Convert Presentations into Animated Videos

You can also convert PowerPoint presentations into animated videos using free tools like Screenr or PowToon. This is a great way to create animated videos that are more interesting and engaging than a PowerPoint presentation with the same content.

This will allow you to create eLearning material from your existing PowerPoint presentations and use them in your online course.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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