Belajar adalah hal yang harus dilakukan secara terus menerus untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Dengan begitu, belajar efektif bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dan mudah dilakukan. Di sekolah, di universitas, di pekerjaan, ataupun di rumah, semua orang harus melakukan upaya untuk belajar secara terus menerus. Meski sekolah memiliki sarana dan prasarana belajar yang memadai, kegiatan belajar terus […]
You might have seen our article about how much you could save if you lived in Japan, but we’ve also done some research on how much cheaper food is in other countries around Asia. We took a look at the prices of 4 basic meals from some of the most popular restaurants and food chains […]
In Asia, English proficiency is much lower than in North America. In Hong Kong, just 24% of the population speak English well or very well. In Japan, just 8% of the population speak English well or very well. But even in some of the largest English-speaking countries in Asia, such as India and Pakistan, proficiency […]
Collaborative learning is one way to help students construct their own knowledge and share it with others. This activity is an important element in student success. This type of learning involves students being able to identify and respond to the needs of their own and others’ learning. Students learn to be responsible for their own […]
eLearning has become a popular way to educate children. When you offer them an interactive experience, eLearning also builds their confidence. This article will provide you with some of the best tips for creating eLearning experiences for kids. This article has been published on eLearning Industry Why An Effective eLearning Experience Matters Kids are receptive […]
Mobile learning is one of the fastest growing trends in higher education. As mobile learning becomes more mainstream, educators and developers are looking for innovative ways to engage students on their mobile devices. What makes a course engaging? How can you make your courses mobile-friendly? How can you create a high-quality learning experience for your […]
Transformative learning is a collaborative process that focuses on the individual’s intrinsic motivation to learn. It is also a change in behavior that results from the learning experience. To create transformative learning experiences, you must: 1. Choose an appropriate learning experience for your students. Consider choosing an existing one or creating a new one specifically […]
If you’re not familiar with the term, microlearning is short, quick training on a specific topic. Instead of spending hours learning a whole new skill or system, microlearning gives you the information you need to start. Microlearning works because it provides information in digestible chunks. If you were going to sit down and watch a […]
Humor can be an excellent tool for creating a positive learning environment. Used effectively, humor can improve learning by making the material more memorable and increasing learner motivation. Using humor in eLearning should be done with care, however. Done poorly, humor can turn off learners and even distract them from the training material. Here are […]
Social intelligence is a set of skills that help you connect with people. These skills include empathy, perspective taking, collaboration, listening, and persuasion. Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In eLearning, empathy can create meaningful connections between you and your learners. By understanding your learners’ feelings and […]
This article will examine the top key challenges that arise when managing an LMS and what steps school leaders can take to overcome these challenges. The challenges range from issues with the LMS itself to working with staff and students. This article has been published on eLearning Industry The Right Way To Overcome LMS Challenges […]
eLearning is one of the most exciting trends in the field of education. The eLearning market is growing at a swift pace, which has led to many predictions. This article attempts to unravel some of the trends surrounding eLearning and make it easier for one to predict the future of eLearning. This article was first […]
There are many social networks online for educators. The most popular of these networks would be Duolingo, Quizlet, and Cudy. The eLearning platform was a concept that was being developed for a while, and recently the public has started to discover it more. What is Cudy? Nowadays, online learning has become popular amongst students and […]
1. Develop a regular study schedule. Set aside time every day for studying, whether it is an hour or two, and stick to it. Plan to use this time every day and treat it as an appointment that you can’t miss or reschedule. You may find that some days you can’t make the full time, […]
An issue we can see in some eLearning courses is dropouts. The reasons for this are often due to a lack of engagement or interest in the subject matter, which is quite common with compliance courses. To avoid this problem, you need to make sure that your course is interesting. Follow these tips to keep […]