Effective Strategies to Teach A level Chemistry

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

Effective strategies to teach A level Chemistry

We have compiled a list of effective strategies to use when teaching A level Chemistry.

Chemistry is a key science and each year the subject is taken by thousands of students.

The majority of students will do well in the subject but some will struggle and will need strategies to help them.

This page provides a guide to effective strategies to help students with specific areas of difficulty.

Effective strategies for teaching A level Chemistry

1. Reviewing and recalling key terms

Revising terms is a fundamental part of the learning process for students in Year 12. Each term, students should be revising their knowledge of all the key terms.

For example, in the early part of the course, it is important to revise the definitions and to revise the formulae for each topic.

As the course progresses, students should be reviewing terms that relate to the current topic.

2. Understanding key words in questions

Some students will struggle to understand the key words in questions. It is important to check that students are familiar with the terms in the question.

This will help them to understand the question and to answer it.

3. Using diagrams to explain formulae

Students can sometimes find it difficult to explain formulae.

For example, students might not know which element is used in the formula.

You can help students to visualise the formulae by drawing them on the whiteboard.

You can also encourage students to use diagrams when explaining formulae.

4. Using a visual image

Students will often benefit from using a visual image to explain a formula.

For example, students might need to explain a chemical reaction with the combined formulas.

Drawing a diagram on the whiteboard and labelling each part of the diagram can help students to visualise the reaction.

5. Using a model

Models are a good way to help students to understand a topic.

For example, when students are learning about the periodic table, you can use a table to show them how to predict how elements react.

Models are also useful to represent chemical reactions.

6. Using props

Props are a fun way to help students to understand a topic.

For example, you can use props to represent atoms or molecules.

7. Using an interactive whiteboard

The interactive whiteboard is a popular resource in science lessons.

Interactive whiteboards allow students to draw diagrams and equations.

They can also be used to show chemical reactions or to show a diagram of a process.

These boards can help students to learn in a fun way and encourage them to ask questions.

8.Using a flashcard

A flashcard is a useful tool that can help students to learn a key term.

Each term, students should create flashcards of key terms.

At the beginning of the term, you can encourage students to learn their flashcards.

You can also use the flashcards to create a revision game.

9. Using a periodic table

The periodic table is an important resource for students in Year 12.

It is important to expand on the information about the table and to encourage students to create their own periodic tables.

In summary, effective strategies are an important part of the learning process for all students.

Read more posts about Why Chemistry is important for Students? and another posts about Cudy Blog page.

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