Tutoring an ESL Student to Improve Oral English

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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Many English as a Second Language (ESL) students have problems with their oral English language. It is very important to speak the English language fluently because this will give them an excellent opportunity to speak with a native speaker in English-speaking countries.

The more English language learners practice speaking their English skills language, the better they will become.

To help your students improve their oral English language and help them get ready to visit English-speaking countries, they need a teacher who can help them get rid of their difficulties in the classroom.

Tutoring an ESL Student to Improve Oral English

Photo by Ryan Wallace on Unsplash.

How to Tutor an ESL Student?

A good English as a Second Language tutor will know how to overcome these problems and help the student succeed in language acquisition and speak the English language, especially when they use it in English-speaking countries.

Note these things to improve your student's oral English:

1) Make Sure Your Student Understands What You Say

They need to clearly understand what the teacher is saying so that they can ask a question and understand what they need to do next.

If your student does not understand something, they should ask the teacher about it to clear up any kinds of misunderstanding before moving on with the lesson you provide.

You can also improve your speaking ability by joining Cudy's online classes and picking your preferred online lessons!

2) Encourage Your Student to Speak

Give instructions to your student to speak as much as possible in the classroom and try to get them talking as much as possible about what is going on around them and about things that interest them, such as hobbies or activities that they enjoy doing outside of class.

This will make it easier for them to have homework assignments or prepare for a test. Encourage your student to speak with a native speaker or the teacher outside of the classroom.

If they are in English-speaking countries, it will be easier for them to find people to talk to and practice their English.

You can also give instructions to your English language learners to read books or watch movies in English to practice their reading and listening skills.

If your student is struggling with the pronunciation of certain words, the teacher can have them practice with activities such as speaking out loud by repeating the word many times until they can say it correctly.

You can also have them do activities such as record themselves saying the word and then listen to it repeatedly until they can say it correctly.

Tutoring an ESL Student to Improve Oral English

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.

3) Ask Your Students Questions

If your student does not understand something, then it is essential for the teacher to explain it differently so that it will be easier for him or her to understand.

Your ESL student may not know how to respond when someone asks him or her a question in English, so encourage him or her to practice asking questions of their own so that he or she will respond when someone asks them a question.

Ask your student to do the activity such as record themselves speaking in class and then listen to it again so that they can hear how they sound and see what they need to improve on.

The teacher can also have to do activities such as record themselves reading aloud to see how well they are pronouncing sentences.

Encourage your student to ask you questions if they do not understand something you are saying. They need to ask questions if they do not understand something because it will help them learn more about the language and help them feel more comfortable in class.

Tutoring an ESL Student to Improve Oral English

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash.

What If Your Student Struggles to Speak?

If your student struggles with speaking English or language learning, the teacher can ask them what they are struggling with and why they are having a hard time. You can do communications to help them understand how to overcome their difficulties and give them the resource to help them.

You can always ask your ESL student about what they think they are doing well and what they need to improve on. This will help you know what areas you should focus on helping them improve their speaking skills.

You can also ask them if they are nervous or feel comfortable speaking in front of the class. If they feel anxious, then you can help them overcome this by asking them about things that they enjoy or things that interest them.

You can also encourage them to talk about something easy for them to talk about, such as a hobby or something that interests them. It will be easier for them to get started talking.

Learning English More Effectively

In conclusion, if your ESL student is having a hard time speaking English, encourage him or her to talk as much as possible in class and outside of class with a native speaker so that they will practice their speaking skills and become better at communicating in English.

Cudy offers private tutoring in Singapore. You can use our online platform to find a suitable tutor. You can choose from various packages to help you or your family members to learn more effectively. Check out Cudy now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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