A Guide: Singapore University Orientation

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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Singapore University orientation is one of the best and memorable part in your journey. While you can learn anywhere and anytime, the university experience is one of the most exciting periods of your life. It is a time to meet new people and make friends. You can also continuously learn new things. Discover your true potential is always interesting. It is also a critical and special time you will treasure for a long time.

The university years are the foundations of the rest of your life where you can pursue your goals. Therefore, you need to make an informed choice when choosing a university and carefully plan to make a memorable time in university.

This article provides you with an overview of the Singapore University orientation. After reading this article, you will be able to make an informed decision on whether to apply for admission to a local university or not. You will also know what it takes to prepare yourself for university life and adjust yourself to your new environment.

Great Diversity in University

Photo by George Pak from Pexels.

There is a great diversity of universities in Singapore, ranging from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) at one end, which offers degree courses at undergraduate and graduate level, to the polytechnics which offer vocational education leading up to diploma and certificate courses.

In general, most degree courses in local universities take three years to complete. Students have to spend two years in the university and one year in industry or service-learning. Doing your best in this will be one of your college goals.

Polytechnic diploma courses take about two years, while certificate courses take about one year to complete. University students have to serve National Service after graduation for two years unless they have obtained deferment of their National Service call-up (e.g., students who have obtained a scholarship from the Defence Science and Technology Agency).

To qualify for admission, you need to meet the minimum requirements set out by different institutions such as NUS/NTU, polytechnics, or private universities. The minimum requirements vary from institution to institution; thus, you need to start learning about the different institutions' information before deciding where to study.

Types of Universities in Singapore:

There are three types of universities in Singapore: the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and the polytechnics.

National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU):

These are two autonomous research-intensive universities that have been consistently ranked among the world's best universities. They offer undergraduate and graduate degree courses, with many of their programs recognized internationally. Both are government-funded and located primarily in the island cluster.


The polytechnics provide higher vocational education to students who have completed their secondary education, focusing on preparing them for careers through industry-driven learning and professional internships.

The polytechnics are publicly funded and located primarily in the island cluster. See Institutes of Technical Education for more information on the polytechnic program.

Private Universities:

These are private universities that provide degree courses that the local universities recognize, polytechnics, and other educational institutions in Singapore and overseas. Students can apply directly to these universities without going through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE).

There are currently two private universities in Singapore: SIM University and Singapore Institute of Management University.

How Much Does It Cost to Study at the National University of Singapore?

Singaporean students enrolled in the National University of Singapore will have to pay a varied tuition fee, around S$10,000 per year. Students who are from the ASEAN countries will have to pay S$10,000 annually.

International students who want to pursue a bachelor's degree will have to pay S$16,000 annually. Students who want to study for a master's degree program will have to pay S$16,000 annually. Master's students who want to pursue their Ph.D. degree programs will be required to pay S$16,000 annually.

For international students aiming to study at the graduate level in Business Administration and Management; Law; Medicine (MBBS); Dentistry; Pharmacy; and Veterinary Medicine & Surgery program, they will have to pay US$40,500 annually.


The National University of Singapore offers various scholarships to pursue their studies at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The school awards scholarships based on academic merit and financial need.

The school also offers full scholarships in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine & surgery, business administration & management; law; architecture; computer science; engineering, mathematics & statistics, and medical sciences.

Students interested in applying for a scholarship can visit the school's official website for more information about the programs.


Students interested in studying at the National University of Singapore can also apply for a campus or on-campus accommodation. The school has various campus housing options that are available for both local and international students.

The school also offers non-campus/off-campus accommodation, which is available for both local and international students. Students who want to know more about the accommodation facilities at the school can contact the school's Admissions Office.

Photo by George Pak from Pexels.

How can International Students Get Scholarships to Study at Nanyang Technological University NTU?

The National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are more commonly known as the two top universities in Singapore, which are the best for pursuing your goals. As one of the top universities in Asia, it is quite easy for international students to get a scholarship to study at NUS and NTU.

International ranking agencies have highly ranked globally both universities, including QS World University Rankings (QS), Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE), Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), and THE-QS World University Rankings.

This will make it even easier for international students to get a scholarship to study at NUS and NTU. It is also worth noting that both NUS and NTU have established several scholarships for international students. This will also help you with your goals and ease the stress of paying for your university education in Singapore.

How Should You Prepare for College Orientation in Singapore?

Studying at the best university in Singapore can be one of your goals. Still, after getting accepted to your dream university, you might wonder what to expect and what to prepare for your college life.

College Orientation is one of the most important events in any college student's life in Singapore. It is a fresh start to a new chapter of your life. You will meet new people, take new classes, and make friends for life.

Most Singapore colleges usually hold their orientation schedule for the freshmen around the end of July or early August. In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic might also affect the orientation. A few schools may have theirs slightly earlier, but this is typically when most students start college in Singapore.

The orientation is usually a two-day affair that includes everything from meeting the Dean of your faculty to finding your way around campus and taking part in fun and exciting games.

Tips for College Orientation in Singapore

The best way to get the most out of your orientation experience is to go with an open mind. Be sure not to compare it with other orientations you have been to and don’t expect it to be exactly like the ones you might have seen in movies or TV shows.

These are real orientations that are designed for actual students who are entering real college life. If you’re lucky, you may even get a visit from your college mascot in the Singapore University orientation.

The first thing you need to do is get a good night’s sleep before the big day. You will meet new people and learning lots of new things, so you must be well-rested. Feeling well-rested will also give you an added boost of energy to tackle the day’s activities head-on.

It is also important that you have everything ready for the day of orientation. Also, remember to bring some snacks! The morning can be exhausting, so it’s a good idea to have some snacks on hand while learning new things.

Major Goals of Singapore University Orientation

The major goals of Singapore University orientation are to make sure that all the students are learning and preparing for their first few classes. Once you have completed your orientation, you should be ready to take your first steps into college life in Singapore.

It would help if you make new friends and enjoy yourself. Singapore University Orientation is an important part of becoming a new adult in Singapore. Aside from pursuing your goals, make sure you enjoy it!

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