What is Anxiety?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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The first thing to do is to identify if you have anxiety. Anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders can be very difficult to differentiate. Not all anxiety is a disorder. You can have anxiety that is not a disorder.

However, it is important to identify if you have an anxiety disorder or not. Because, untreated anxiety disorders can lead to other problems. Such as, depression and substance abuse, which can cause tremendous life problems.

Anxiety attacks are not dangerous but they are very uncomfortable and distressing. Anxiety disorders vary in severity from person to person and some people. The experience extreme anxiety everyday while others experience it only once in a while.

Some people have more than one anxiety disorder at the same time or one after another.

It is important that you go for treatment as soon as possible. If you think you have an anxiety disorder. Because the earlier the treatment, the better the outcome will be.

Some of the signs that you may suffer from an anxiety attack or an anxiety disorFder include:

Feeling of impending doom, Feeling of being in danger, Feeling of being vulnerable.

Feelings of insecurity, Feelings of panic, Feelings of being trapped, or sudden onset of intense fear that feels like your heart will beat out of your chest or that you will collapse or faint for no reason,

Feeling that you are going to die, Feeling that you are losing control of yourself or your situation, Feeling that you are dying and that death is imminent,

Feeling a sense of doom or impending doom without an identifiable cause (there is no reason for the anxiety attack but you still feel like something terrible is about to happen), fear of losing control, fear of going crazy, fear of dying and other irrational fears.

The above list is not exhaustive but it points to some of the common signs that people may have an anxiety attack or an anxiety disorder. It is important.

However, to note that not everyone who feels anxious all the time has an anxiety disorder and it is possible to feel anxious for a period of time without having an anxiety disorder.

Symptomless Anxiety attacks

There are also some people who experience extreme anxiety attacks without having any other symptoms as well.

The main distinction between someone with an anxiety disorder and someone who does not have one is whether the person seeks help after experiencing extreme anxiety.

If a person does not seek help after experiencing extreme anxiety. Then, this would suggest that he does not have an anxiety disorder. However if he seeks help then this would suggest that he has one.

There are many causes for feeling anxious such as being in danger or being ill. However, the above list of signs point to a more serious condition called an anxiety disorder.

So if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. In fact, it is important that you seek help from a psychiatrist. Because, these are very serious symptoms that cannot be ignored.

Cudy Marketplace provides the online counselling experience service. Please remember that talking to someone who listens to you is always beneficial. In Cudy, you can talk with a professional counsellor anywhere at time and in any location to help you with any issues you might have.

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