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Stories by Cudy

in Tutor

pedagogy 1609318905
Preschool Period In the preschool period, children received the basic knowledge. Specifically, they will need to be successful learners in elementary school. These skills include listening, talking, reading and writing. Preschool teachers often use storybooks and read aloud with children. In addition, teachers provide arts and crafts activities. Teachers may also do math activities with […]


24th April 2023

campus 1609319675
The Sri Lankan school system has three parts: the Primary, Secondary and the Higher education. Primary Education consists of Kindergarten (usually for 3-4 years), Junior Primary (usually for 4-5 years) and Senior Primary (usually for 5-6 years). It is free and compulsory and offered to all citizens in the age group 5 to 13. The […]


24th April 2023

procrastination 1609319291
Procrastination is a habit that most students have. It is an act of postponing things until the last minute. There are many reasons why students procrastinate. The main reason is that they think they can do it later and it will be easier to do it then. But this is not true. Procrastination can lead […]


24th April 2023

examination 1609319780
Getting into the right state of mind before the start of the examination is crucial. You should take a few minutes to think about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. You should also take a few minutes to think about the fact that you have prepared well […]


24th April 2023

mental child 1609319822
Parents with ADHD and ADD child find themselves in a frustrating place. There is no textbook or definitive list of guides that parents can rely on to help their child get the best life they deserve. What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects many people in the world today. […]


24th April 2023

music 1609321268
Yes, it can. Your brain is capable of absorbing new information when you're listening to your favorite music. Music must be able to distract the listener and mind from the problems related to the studying process and at the same time help to focus on the material. What are the benefits of studying with music? […]


24th April 2023

anxiety 1609320336
The first thing to do is to identify if you have anxiety. Anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders can be very difficult to differentiate. Not all anxiety is a disorder. You can have anxiety that is not a disorder. However, it is important to identify if you have an anxiety disorder or not. Because, untreated anxiety […]


24th April 2023

learning 1609321486
If you're trying to determine your learning styles without a formal assessment, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help determine your learning preferences. Do you enjoy reading books/articles or listening to lectures? Or writing or drawing when you are trying to learn new material? What about to work in groups or […]


24th April 2023

technology 1609321636
How do you get accepted into the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore as an Undergraduate Student? Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is one of the leading public universities in Singapore. Similarly, NTU now ranked as one of the best universities in Asia. In fact, NTU has 23,000 undergraduate students and offers courses in seven academic schools […]


24th April 2023

ginseng 1609321810
Does Ginseng help you to get better grades? Studies have shown that Ginseng can help boost your attention and memory. However, we are not talking about an increase of only five or ten percent at school; we are talking about an increase of up to thirty percent in the ability to learn new information. This […]


24th April 2023

in Tutor

consult 1609322247
Clinical Psychologist A clinical psychologist is a specialist who treats patients diagnosed with a mental illness. They offer diagnostic assessments, and treat patients through therapy. Clinical psychologists are crucial members of the health system. They work in close collaboration with health care professionals. Near with the clinical settings such as hospitals, primary care centres, community […]


24th April 2023

asian college 1609322291
For many Junior College students, the road to university can be long and arduous. More often than not, this is the first time they have been away from home and away from their parents. They may also be going through a period of change in their life that can be stressful at times. As a […]


24th April 2023

TEST 1609322624
The PISA test covers three main areas of learning: reading, mathematics and science. It also measures generic skills such as problem-solving and reasoning. Why does the Government care about PISA? The PISA test has become increasingly important in education policy. Pisa utilized by the OECD to measure the educational performance of nations. Also, to provide […]


24th April 2023

in Tuition

fee 1609322739
The cost of university is very different depending on the country, even within the same continent. The list below is just a small selection of countries in Asia, it’s not exhaustive by far. Singapore Singapore has some of the most expensive university’s in the world. In fact it has the most expensive university in the […]


24th April 2023

number 1609323229
The average math score in the five countries In PISA, the average math score of students in the five countries was 5002. The average score in Singapore was the highest at 5475. Also, that of students in Sri Lanka was the lowest at 4201. The average score of students in Malaysia and Indonesia were approximately […]


24th April 2023

in Tutor

consideration 1609322874
Should price be the main consideration, when choosing a private tutor for your child? No. In fact, the price is an important factor. To illustrate, there are other important considerations which must be taken into account. Hence, these include the following points, as follows: A tutor's method of operation A tutor's qualifications A tutor's experience […]


24th April 2023

schedule 1609323695
If you're having trouble getting started studying, try using a timer or alarm to help motivate yourself into action. You can even make the timer part of your study session. You could try to challenge yourself to get as much done. As you can in the time allotted (e.g., try to read through one chapter […]


24th April 2023

in Tutor

library 1609323886
Where to get teaching resources for online lessons If you are looking for teaching resources to use in your online lessons, there are a number of places where you can find them. Some of the best places to look include: Open Education Consortium this is an open source community that offers free learning materials and […]


24th April 2023

pexels alex green 5699456
What is the clinical psychologist’s role in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka? The clinical role in Singapore is mainly in the management of mental health services. Asides, In Malaysia most clinical psychologists appoints to hospital-based clinics. There are also opportunities for clinical psychologists to work in education, social services, private practice, or […]


24th April 2023

kindergarten 1609324050
A child counsellor is a special person that a parent can trust to counsel his or her child. A child counsellor is like a friend, a mentor, an advisor and a teacher. They can talk to the child and help him/her develop positive behaviour, help with decision-making and help with choices. In a nutshell, a […]


24th April 2023

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