Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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Study smart tips is the easy way and effective way to study. This is a general question among students. And it’s an important one. Studying smart is what really matters in college. In fact, most of the time, how you learn will determine whether you succeed or fail in college. In this article, we will share […]


23rd April 2023

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1. Loans Financial aid Singapore is thefacility for government if the citizen need loan or funding facility. The main loan that is offered by the government is the Ministry of Education (MOE) Tuition Grant. The grant, as the name suggests, covers the tuition fees of all Singaporean students studying in Singapore. It also covers other […]


23rd April 2023

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S/u system is a spesific grading scheme for University level. University admission, or getting into a good university, is a complex and often stressful process. You have to study hard for your exams, but you also have to decide which course you want to learn. Many people want to get into medicine, engineering, or the […]


23rd April 2023

Parent Volunteers in Primary Schools: How They Help in Supporting the School
Parent volunteers are students' parents who are willingly to give some help in school. The education system is perhaps one of the most important domains that parents are involved in. Parents have an important role to play as partners in ensuring that their children continue to receive a good education. For this reason, parents are […]


23rd April 2023

Multiple scholarships are the solution for you to get scholarships from more than one sources. Money for college is what every student wants. With the rising costs of tuition, not all students can afford to attend the college they want. For most low-income students needing financial aid, the first place to look for help is college […]


23rd April 2023

Tips for Succeeding in Online Learning
Online learning can be one of themost effective way to learn nowadays. Students have been able to take classes at home on their computer for years now. Some of the nation's top schools offer online learning programs, and traditional universities have fully accredited them. Online learning gives students a chance to learn outside of their […]


23rd April 2023

A Healthy Student Lifestyle – and How to Keep It!
Healthy student lifestyle is actually a balance life of a student. They can haave a good students life while maintaining their private lives. However, it has different meanings to different people, and there is no one definition for this term. For some people, healthy students lifestyle means getting enough sleep and exercise and eating a […]


23rd April 2023

Tips for Choosing your University
Coosing the University can be very challenging for a new students. It will give you great effect in the future. There are many factors that every student should consider when choosing his university, whether it is public or private. In this guide, you will find what to consider when choosing a university and how to […]


23rd April 2023

How to Answer some Common Scholarship Interview Questions
Scholarship interview and grants can come in many forms. They can be awarded to students who have a certain GPA, attend a specific school, or demonstrate a specific talent and/or skill. Some grants may require you to submit an essay before you can get any money for college. Always keep this in mind as you […]


23rd April 2023

How to Make the Most of Your Time in University
Make your time in University can be one of the most challenging parts when you are in University life. So, you’ve done it. You’ve got yourself a place in university, and now you have to get through it. For most of us, our academic journey may not be the most fun time in our lives, […]


23rd April 2023

Life Hacks for University
Life hacks for University is the way you can do to make a balance life during your college life. It's finally time to move into your university accommodation, and you have absolutely no idea what you are going to do with yourself. Dorm life can be tricky. Everyone tells you that you will be fine […]


23rd April 2023

4 Ways to Make the Best of Your Freshman Year
The first year of college or the freshman year is an exciting time, but it can also be difficult. As a college freshman, you're expected to learn how to be away from home, budget your time and money, and balance studying with social activity. Additionally, you need to make friends and figure out the best […]


23rd April 2023

How to Appeal After a Rejected Scholarship Application
Rejected scholarship application sometimes happen to a student. Thats why you need to know how to overcome it. Most schools have a scholarship committee that sees the applications for review and decides which student will receive the award. Suppose you feel that you were unfairly denied a scholarship. In this situation, you can appeal to […]


23rd April 2023

Local vs. Overseas Scholarships – Things to Consider
Overseas scholarships are among the most effective ways students can ease the financial burden of their education. Students who experience a lot of financial hardship would find it beneficial to look for one. Scholarships are available in different forms and from various sources, including online scholarship applications, school-specific scholarship opportunities, various organizations and institutions. The […]


23rd April 2023

Ways to Prevent Cheating in eLearning
Cheating in eLearning is a growing problem. It is also a serious concern of educators and learning designers.  The reasons are obvious: If people are cheating, then they are not learning as much as they could be. Cheating may also make learning more difficult for other students who have to interact with the cheater, which makes […]


23rd April 2023

How to Get Yourself to Enjoy Learning a Foreign Language?
Learning a foreign language is something that we all wish to do at some point in our lives. There are many benefits to learning a foreign language. For example, you can communicate with people from other countries and help build cultural bridges. Plus, there are many career and studying opportunities where you can use your […]


23rd April 2023

5 Tips for the Best Way to Take Notes on Online Learning
Online learning nowadays becomes one of the most common method for both students and teachers. Most of us are familiar with the "notebook" concept of taking notes in lectures. However, with the rise of online learning, there has been a growing trend for online course providers to encourage their students to take effective notes in […]


23rd April 2023

All About the 3 T’s of Training: Timely, Targeted, Technology
Training process is one of the most important part for the employee before they enter the company. . The purposes can be walking, learning how to read or reach academic excellence, and becoming successful in what we do. Just like humans need the training to be successful, employees at an organization require training process for […]


23rd April 2023

The Luxury of Choice – How to Choose the Right Scholarship for You
Choose the right scholarship is not an easy thing to do. You as a student have to consider a few things before deciding to apply for a scholarship. Most colleges, universities, and trade schools offer some financial aid. Whether through loans, grants, or a scholarship program, a little help with tuition can go a long […]


23rd April 2023

A Beginner’s Guide to Scholarships
Guide to scholarships are a great way to pay for your school without having to pay the full tuition fee. They give lots of scholarships to students who have outstanding academic achievements and who show immense leadership qualities. Students who excel academically, part-take in extra-curricular activities, and have excellent leadership skills usually receive scholarships. Organizations […]


23rd April 2023