Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

Stories by Cudy

students finding the most majors that many companies looking for
Finding the right college major is one of the most important things you will do before you enter a university. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered before you make your decision. Some students just take the easy way out and enroll in a generic degree program that covers all aspects […]


23rd April 2023

siswa yang sedang mencari rekomendasi jurusan kuliah yang cocok untuk masa depan
Perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu sarana yang dapat membantu kamu untuk menimba ilmu yang dapat bermanfaat untuk karir di masa depan. Dengan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, kamu akan mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih luas serta memperoleh hard skill yang dapat diimplementasikan dalam dunia kerja. Namun, pada umumnya masih banyak siswa SMA yang kebingungan […]


23rd April 2023

Benefits of In-Home Tutoring for Students
Beside traditional schooling, in-home tutoring is another way for students to get the education they need. The benefits of in-home tutoring for students vary. Tutors can help students with homework, test preparation, and other educational tasks. Parents can save money by hiring a private tutor for their children, and students can get the help they […]


23rd April 2023

pexels armin rimoldi 5553639
Pekerjaan part-time atau paruh waktu merupakan sarana yang bisa dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk menambah penghasilan serta belajar mendapatkan pengalaman untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Perkembangan teknologi dan media sosial yang begitu pesat menjadikan mahasiswa dengan mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan part-time yang dapat diperoleh dari website ataupun aplikasi job portal. Apakah Mahasiswa Perlu Bekerja Part-Time? Perlu atau tidaknya […]


23rd April 2023

Cudy 8 Tips to Take Notes Effectively in Class
As a student in a classroom, it is important to take notes effectively as the information you are learning is valuable. However, some students find it difficult to take good notes, or when they do take notes, they find it difficult to remember what they have learned. Not only are good notes important for learning, […]


25th April 2023

Students find internship programs
An internship is a useful way to give students and people who are just starting a career to gain work experience in the specific field they are interested in. Internships can help you gain skills and knowledge in your chosen field, which will give you an opportunity to find your career goals and make connections […]


25th April 2023

How to Apply Maths to Real-Life Problems
A lot of students find maths a difficult subject when they first learn it. They may wonder how maths is useful in our everyday lives because it seems like a complex subject. However, if we break maths down into smaller and more manageable steps, we can start to see how it is applicable to our […]


25th April 2023

Incorrect Ways to Teach Maths
Mathematics is the study of sciences focusing on numbers, shapes, and patterns. It is essential for everything we do because it can be used to solve problems or explore new ideas. Mathematics is also a necessary tool for many fields, including medicine, engineering, architecture, business, technology, economy, and many more. Therefore, maths is an important […]


25th April 2023

Best Practices in Autism Education
Autism education is needed for autistic, since education is an essential thing for everyone. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors. People with autism often have difficulty with these areas, but with the right resources and support, they can learn and thrive in school. As autism becomes more visible […]


24th April 2023

Are There Any Benefits to Learning Extinct Languages?
We all know that learning a new language can be fun and exciting, but what if you could learn an extinct one? Would there be any benefits to doing so? Before we can answer this question, we need to first define what an extinct language is. An extinct language is a language no longer spoken […]


24th April 2023

Is Choosing Private Schools Worth It?
Is Choosing Private Schools Worth It?


24th April 2023

The Best Zoom In-Apps For You to Improve Your Presentation
As virtual events or presentations become increasingly common, it’s important to have the right tools to make the most of them. One way to improve your presentation is by using zoom in-apps. These apps allow you to zoom in on specific parts of your presentation, making it easier to focus on specific points. What Is […]


24th April 2023

How to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused
Distractions are common issues for many people, but there are ways to avoid them and stay focused. It can be difficult to stay focused while studying, especially when there are distractions around you. These can come in the form of people, noise, or anything else that catches your attention. While it is important to be […]


24th April 2023

Working With Your Child’s Learning Style - Maximise Potential for PSLE
Paying attention to your child’s learning style is crucial in helping your child improve their PSLE performance. Learning styles include visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners, with each style having a different learning strategy. Each child is unique and thus may need to adapt their learning style in order to reach the optimum performance level. To […]


24th April 2023

Ibu membantu anak mempersiapkan transisi sekolah dasar
Awal perjalanan dan transisi ke sekolah dasar merupakan masa ketidakpastian, terutama bagi orang tua dari anak berkebutuhan khusus. Kami dapat memahami mengapa orang tua mungkin merasa cemas dan tidak yakin tentang transisi anak mereka ke sekolah dasar. Terutama, ketika ada beberapa hal yang tidak diketahui dan faktor yang mempengaruhi proses tersebut. Namun, ada beberapa cara […]


23rd April 2023

Cara pelajar berprestasi mempersiapkan tes IELTS.
Pelajar berpretasi yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah di luar negeri atau mengikuti pertukaran pelajar disarankan untuk mempersiapkan tes IELTS terlebih dahulu. IELTS adalah tes standar kemahiran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa internasional dan merupakan persyaratan yang penting dari proses pendaftaran mereka. Banyak orang percaya bahwa ada strategi khusus yang bisa bermanfaat bagi pelajar berpretasi saat mempersiapkan diri […]


23rd April 2023

Berapa Skor IELTS yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Kuliah di Luar Negeri?
IELTS adalah salah satu tes kemahiran bahasa Inggris yang paling umum digunakan di seluruh dunia. IELTS dirancang untuk menilai kemampuan kandidat dalam membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Umumnya, kandidat harus mengambil IELTS agar memenuhi syarat untuk belajar di perguruan tinggi atau institusi mana pun di luar negara asal mereka. Skor IELTS diperlukan untuk […]


23rd April 2023

Pernahkah Kamu Berpikir untuk Pindah Jurusan Kuliah?
Pindah jurusan di perguruan tinggi sebenarnya bukan hal yang sulit, namun ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang harus Anda pertimbangkan ketika Anda berpikir untuk mengubah jurusan Anda: 1. Dapatkah Anda Membayangkan Masa Depan Anda? Terlepas dari alasan apa yang membuat Anda ingin pindah ke perguruan tinggi, penting untuk terlebih dahulu […]


23rd April 2023

5 Reasons Why You Should Pair Zoom with Training Software
Both Zoom and training software products can help students and teams to learn. They can also help teachers deliver a specific type of learning experience. As you may know, some of the most exciting features of Zoom and training software allow us to share materials and interact during an online class session or webinar session. […]


23rd April 2023

Why You Should Include Quizzes in Your Courses
There are many options to assess students' learning outcomes, such as essays, multiple-choice question, or short quizzes. People still widely use classic question tests and essays, but there has been an increasing interest in using quizzes and other online assessments to replace traditional testing methods. Quizzes Vs Traditional Testing Methods Quizzes present several advantages over […]


23rd April 2023