Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

Stories by Cudy

Chemistry is a core subject that underpins all of the other sciences. It provides the foundation to understand and interpret scientific concepts in biology, physics, biochemistry, geology, etc. Chemistry is also an important subject for many careers. The understanding of how matter behaves under different conditions. That is critical for careers in chemical engineering, medicine […]


24th April 2023

Have you heard of Montessori school? Parents confuse about choosing the right school for their children. They scare about the future of their child. They worry about the safety and security of their child’s future. Parents want their children to lead a disciplined life with good manners and become a successful person at every stage […]


24th April 2023

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How much does it cost for private schools in Singapore? Private schools in Singapore charge tuition fees that range from US$2,500-US$30,000 per year depending on the level of education (primary or secondary). Most schools offer bursaries where you only pay part of the fee. It is also important to note that there are different types […]


23rd April 2023

In Singapore, a school bus service is offered by the government for students who live more than 2 kilometers from their schools. The service is called School Transport Scheme, and costs $140 for an applicant’s first child and $100 for subsequent siblings. This scheme covers primary, secondary and special education schools. In Malaysia, a school […]


23rd April 2023

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How much do parents in these countries spend on private tuition per year in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka in local currency? Parents in Singapore spend the most on private tuition per year at around US$2,450 per year in Singapore dollars. Parents in Indonesia spend the least on private tuition per year […]


24th April 2023

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Saat ini IELTS merupakan hal yang sudah sangat akrab di telinga pelajar, baik tingkat sekolah maupun perguruan tinggi. Semua mereka mengerti betapa pentingnya memiliki sertifikat IELTS ini. Hampir semua perguruan tinggi di dunia ini mengharuskan peserta didiknya memiliki sertifikat IELTS apabila ingin belajar di kampus tersebut. Bahkan banyak beasiswa untuk belajar di luar negeri tidak […]


23rd April 2023

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“Sempurna”, sebuah kata yang pantas untuk menggambarkan tuntutan di era revolusi industri terhadap generasi-generasi muda milenial. Sebelum era reformasi khususnya era sebelum tahun 90-an, persaingan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dapat diukur dari tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh. Pada era ini menyelesaikan sekolah di tingkat menengah atas sudah menjadi sesuatu yang dapat diandalkan serta dapat dijadikan suatu […]


23rd April 2023

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                  Sumber gambar: Pemilihan kata yang tepat dalam menyampaikan sesuatu merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Kesalahan dalam memilih kata, tidak hanya menyebabkan tidak sampainya informasi tersebut, tapi bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman yang bisa menyebabkan kekacauan. Hal ini bisa ditemui dalam bahasa inggris. Banyak orang mahir dalam berbahasa inggris, namun sering salah dalam memilih […]


23rd April 2023

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Berkat pandemi, himbauan Presiden untuk belajar dari rumah melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang ada pada berbagai institusi pendidikan di Indonesia untuk mengadakan kelas online. Perubahan sistem belajar berbasis online ini menjadi trend yang dijadikan solusi terbaik di tengah pandemi. Kesiapan seluruh elemen yang melaksanakan kelas online tentunya memerlukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian ataupun adaptasi dalam melaksanakan proses pendidikan. Penyesuaian yang […]


23rd April 2023

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Usually, oral examinations are done in an hour or less – and it has a huge contribution to your overall score in your language subject. Your grade depends on how you do well in your oral examination, aside from listening comprehensions and written examinations.  Oral examination boosts your confidence to speak out yourself and it […]


23rd April 2023

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Sticking into your study habits will surely help you become a successful student in Singapore. Setting up goals for your studies can absolutely make learning and schooling more efficient. With these routines, you will be able to achieve your goals, dreams, and have excelling results academically.  If these routines are practiced repeatedly, they will be […]


23rd April 2023

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If you are doing some household chores or even something important and your child bothers you a lot, what is your initial response? Do you shout at them? Do you give them some punishments? What about if he/she is not doing good in school? Do you ground him/her?  Well, honestly speaking, every Singaporean parent has […]


23rd April 2023

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As per statistics, reading helps you develop and enhance your writing ability, but writing develops your organizational abilities, influencing others by persuasion, and your intellectual growth. To make it simple, writing has a huge impact on the growth of your children. Many Singaporean parents are very much aware of how studies affect the future of […]


23rd April 2023

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In Singapore, there are many parents who have problems dealing with the behavior of their children whose age are between 11 to 14 years old. The most common problem of Singaporean parents is when they ask their children to do a simple task or just even asking some questions without reacting harshly. Some parents are […]


23rd April 2023

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For Singaporeans, studying is the main key to have a successful future. They give everything to their children to provide them a high-quality of education and lead a better and successful life in the future. In Singapore, the education system is important and many parents chose to also enroll their children in online tuition.  With […]


23rd April 2023

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At a young age, the biggest question you might ask your child is “What do you want to become when you grow up?” It sounds simple, but there’s a long road to take to become one. Whether your child wants to be a doctor, a policeman, a pilot, an author, a baker or a chef, […]


23rd April 2023

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Becoming a home or online tutor in Singapore provides you with beneficial listening, interpersonal, and communication skills. Being a tutor means you must explain each concept in different ways so that your student will understand clearly. Tutoring allows you to improve your communication skills as you need to explain the most complex topic in a […]


23rd April 2023

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Your children’s first year in school includes a lot of new things for them. With new teachers, new environment, and of course, new classmates, their world will get bigger and bigger from now on. This kind of change will help them improve themselves, be open to more opportunities, self-growth, and improves their social relationship with […]


23rd April 2023

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Based on a study, Singaporean students are the best students when it comes to Science and Math subjects. However, for Singaporean students, mathematics is just mathematics itself, which is also offered in other countries. In the years of 1995, 1999, and 2003, an assessment for 4th graders as well as 8th graders were conducted by […]


23rd April 2023

Children love to make use of the technology and its use increases their intelligence in a way that can see the world with all the different perspectives. Online businesses have taken over the world ranging from ecommerce stores to online tuition providers. Every online business has some advantages and disadvantages over the conventional business markets. […]


23rd April 2023

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